Plants of Nepal (Gymnosperms and Angiosperms)

作者:Krishna K Shrestha, Prabin Bhandari, Shandesh Bhattarai
来源:Krishna K Shrestha, Prabin Bhandari, Shandesh Bhattarai惠赠
    The present book ‘Plants of Nepal (Gymnosperms and Angiosperms)’ is primarily based on ‘An Enumeration of the Flowering Plants of Nepal Vols. 1–3’ (Hara et al. 1978, Hara & Williams 1979, Hara et al. 1982), ‘Annotated Checklist of Flowering Plants of Nepal’ (Press et al. 2000), and ‘Handbook of Flowering Plants of Nepal Vol. 1’ (Shrestha et al. 2018). An attempt has been made to provide updated information on the phanerogams (seed plants) of Nepal, based on published literature and herbarium specimens deposited in national and international herbaria. Forty-two illustrative photo plates are provided, consisting of 179 plant photographs and 28 herbarium specimen photographs, representing each family of gymnosperms and angiosperms recorded from Nepal. Based on the analysis of more than 680 taxonomic literature references, and herbarium records from the early 19th century to the present, the status of the plants of Nepal (gymnosperms and angiosperms) has been updated. Indigenous gymnosperms comprise 26 taxa (24 species and 2 infraspecies), belonging to 13 genera and 7 families. Indigenous angiosperms (including naturalized species) comprise 200 families, 1,541 genera, and 5,820 lower taxa (5,606 species, and 214 infraspecies). In addition, 240 species and 26 infraspecies, belonging to 177 genera and 66 families, are treated as being of uncertain status (due to lack of supporting evidence on occurrence in Nepal). At least 572 taxa (559 species and 13 infraspecies), belonging to 119 families and 401 genera of exotic (planted or cultivated) gymnosperm and angiosperm, have also been recorded from Nepal. In terms of life-form or habit, herbs (including herbaceous climbers) consist of 4,129 species, followed by 903 species of shrubs (including woody climbers) and 598 species of trees.


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