7月19日学术报告-The making of flower color and shape: from molecular genetics to evolutionary ecology

题  目:The making of flower color and shape: from molecular genetics to evolutionary ecology 

报告人:Yao-Wu Yuan(University of Washington,Seattle , USA)
   时  间:2011年7月19日(星期二)10:00 am
   地  点:植物所标本馆104会议室

The making of flower color and shape: from molecular genetics to evolutionary ecology

There exists immense variation in color and shape among flowers in nature. My research program addresses three major lines of questions on the making of flower color and shape: (1) the genetic basis; (2) the developmental process; and (3) the evolutionary/ecological consequence (for more details please see http://www.biology.washington.edu/users/yaowu-yuan). In this talk I will tell a story on a pair of sister species of monkey-flowers (Mimulus), where we can study flower color and shape from a single gene (even a single nucleotide) to phenotype to the evolutionary/ecological consequence of the phenotype, including pollinator shift (from bumblebee to hummingbird) between the sister species that result in reproductive isolation (and therefore, speciation). I will end the talk with breathtaking images of a number of chemically induced mutant lines (and our ongoing efforts in identifying the mutated genes), and a rationally engineered new species based on our understanding of floral forms and reproductive isolation.



