姓  名: 冯晓娟
职务/职称: 副所长、研究员、研究组组长
电子邮件: xfeng@ibcas.ac.cn
个人网页: http://lvec.ibcas.ac.cn/rcdw/yjy/202002/t20200205_541751.html
课 题 组: 碳循环与有机地球化学研究组



现任植物研究所副所长;担任中国生态学学会第十一届理事会理事等;《生命世界》主编、JGR-Biogeosciences编辑以及Global Change BiologyGeochimica et Cosmochimica Acta等刊物副主编。获得中国青年女科学家奖、中国科学院青年科学家奖、中国科学院朱李月华优秀教师奖、中国科学院优秀导师奖等奖励。

以第一/通讯作者在PNASNature Climate ChangeNature GeoscienceNature CommunicationsEcology LettersGlobal Change Biology等学术期刊发表论文70余篇。




  1. 湿地多生态功能协同变化与功能提升机制”,国家重点研发计划课题,360万元,20249-20298月,课题负责人。
  2. 利用14C技术解析湿地甲烷来源及其对全球变化的响应”,中国科学院国际合作局“全球共性挑战”项目,137万元,20241-202612月,项目负责人。
  3. 排水-复湿对湿地矿物保护碳库储量与稳定性的影响及机制”,国家自然科学基金重点项目,273万元,20231-202712月,项目负责人。
  4. 土壤有机质的分子生物地球化学”,国家杰出青年科学基金项目,400万元,20211-202512月,项目负责人。
  5. 生物多样性与生态系统碳氮循环创新交叉团队”,中科院创新交叉团队项目,100万元,20191-202112月,项目负责人。
  6. 湿地土壤有机碳与铁的交互作用及其对干旱的响应”,国家自然科学基金面上项目,69万元,20181-202112月,项目负责人。
  7. 基于单体14C技术的草地土壤有机碳周转与稳定性研究”,中科院对外合作重点项目,100万元,20161-201812月,项目负责人。
  8. 草地土壤碳氮的迁移、转化过程及其机制研究”,科技部青年973项目,485万元,20151-20198月,项目负责人。
  9. 土壤有机质的生物地球化学研究”,国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金项目,100万元,20151-201712月,项目负责人。
  10. 青藏高原高寒草甸土壤有机碳库的分子组成、年龄及气候敏感性”,国家自然科学基金面上项目,82万元,20141-201712月,项目负责人。


  1. Feng X (2022). Plant influences on soil organic carbon dynamics, in: Understanding and Fostering Soil Carbon Sequestration, edited by: Rumpel C. Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, Cambridge, UK.
  2. Feng X (2022) Plant-derived macromolecules in the soil, in: Multi-Scale Biogeochemical Processes in Soil Ecosystems-Critical Reactions and Resilience to Climate Changes, edited by: Yang Y, Keiluweit M, Senesi N, Xing B. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 79-115.



  1. Ma T#, Wang Y#, Dai G, Jia J, Liu Z, Jia Y, Wang S, Zhu E, Zhang X, Haghipour N, Wacker L, Jia B, He J-S, Zhang H, Zhao M, Eglinton TI, Feng X*(2025) Prolonged storage of bound organic carbon in wetland but not upland soils: A 13C and 14C perspective. Geophysical Research Letters, 52(1): e2024GL112491.


  1. Zhang X, Dai G*, Zhai G, Yi W, Ma L, Huang Z, Ye X, Ma W, Wang Y, Zhang P, Feng X*(2024) Root-borne microbial necromass-an overlooked source of grassland soil organic carbon. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(22): e2024GL110908.
  2. Jia J, Zhai G, Jia Y*, Liu X, Ma K, Feng X* (2024) Microbial necromass accrual from newly added labile and native soil carbon in the rhizosphere vs. non-rhizosphere of broadleaved and coniferous trees. Geoderma, 452: 117107.
  3. Jiang Z#, Luo W#, Zhu E, Zhao Y, Liu C, Zhou L, Feng X*(2024) Changing plant phosphorus acquisition strategies in relation to altered soil phosphorus fractions after wetland drainage. Functional Ecology, 38(11): 2433-2446.
  4. Zhao Y, Liu C, Kang E, Li X, Deng Y, Feng X*(2024)Plant-microbe interactions underpin contrasting enzymatic responses to wetland drainage. Nature Climate Change, 14: 1078-1086.
  5. 冯晓娟*, 戴国华, 刘婷, 贾娟, 朱二雄, 刘程竹, 赵云鹏, 王亚, 康恩泽, 肖军, 李薇*(2024)从生物地球化学视角理解土壤碳封存的机制和潜在途径. 中国科学:地球科学, 54: 3421-3432.
  6. Liu C#, Zhao Y#, Ma L, Zhai G, Li X, Freeman C, Feng X*(2024) Metallic protection of soil carbon: Divergent drainage effects in Sphagnum vs. non-Sphagnum wetlands. National Science Review, 11(11): nwae178. (封面文章)
  7. Ma L#, Zhu E#, Jia J, Wang Y, Kang E, Yi W, Jiang Z, Dai G, Feng X*(2024) Does microbial carbon use efficiency differ between particulate and mineral-associated organic matter? Functional Ecology, 38(7): 1510-1522.
  8. Zhu E#, Liu Z#, Ma L, Luo J, Kang E, Wang Y, Zhao Y, Jia J, Feng X* (2024) Enhanced mineral preservation rather than microbial residue production dictates the accrual of mineral-associated organic carbon along a weathering gradient. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(6): e2024GL108466. (封面文章)
  9. Wang S, Liu T*, Zhu E, He C, Shi Q, Feng X* (2024) Potential retention of dissolved organic matter by soil minerals during wetland water-table fluctuations. Water Research, 254: 121412.
  10. Zhao Y, Jia J, Liu C, Feng X* (2024) Carbon preservation in sedimentary deposits: Beyond mineral protection. The Innovation, 5: 100576. (评论文章)
  11. 贾娟, 李星奇, 冯晓娟* (2024) 排水对我国两种典型湿地土壤有机碳微生物转化过程的影响. 应用生态学报, 35: 133-140.
  12. Jiang Z#, Wang X#, Liu T, Feng X* (2024) Comparing the temperature sensitivity of organic matter decomposition in oxic and oxygen-deprived soils. Soil Ecology Letters, 6: 230189.


  1. Liu C#, Wang S#, Zhao Y, Wang Y, Wang Y, Zhu E, Jia J, Liu Z, He J-S, Feng X* (2023) Enhanced microbial contribution to mineral-associated organic carbon accrual in drained wetlands: beyond direct lignin-iron interactions. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 185: 109152.
  2. Zhao Y, Liu C, Li X, Ma L, Zhai G, Feng X* (2023) Sphagnum increases soil’s sequestration capacity of mineral-associated organic carbon via activating metal oxides. Nature Communications, 14: 5052.
  3. Zhu E#, Liu Z#, Wang S, Wang Y, Liu T, Feng X* (2023) Organic carbon and lignin protection by metal oxides versus silicate clay: Comparative study based on wetland and upland soils. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 128: e2023JG007474.
  4. Cai Y, Feng X* (2023) Substrate and community regulations on microbial necromass accumulation from newly added and native soil carbon. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 59: 763-775.
  5. Feng X*, Wang S. (2023) Plant influences on soil microbial carbon pump efficiency. Global Change Biology, 29(14): 3854-3856. (特邀观点)
  6. Wang Y, Wang S, Liu C, Zhu E, Jia J, Feng X*(2023) Shifting relationships between SOC and molecular diversity in soils of varied carbon concentrations: Evidence from drained wetlands. Geoderma, 433: 116459.
  7. Jia J, Liu Z, Haghipour N, Wacker L, Zhang H, Sierra CA, Ma T, Wang Y, Chen L, Luo A, Wang Z, He J-S, Zhao M, Eglinton TI, Feng X*(2023) Molecular 14C evidence for contrasting turnover and temperature sensitivity of soil organic matter components. Ecology Letters, 26(5): 778-788. (封面文章)
  8. Wang J, Ma T, Zhang F, Hilton R.G., Feng X*, Jin Z* (2023) The role of earthquakes and storms in the fluvial export of terrestrial organic carbon along the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau: A biomarker perspective. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10: 1090983.
  9. Liu T, Liu X, Pan Q, Liu S, Feng X*(2023) Hydrodynamic and geochemical controls on soil carbon mineralization upon entry into aquatic systems. Water Research, 229: 119499.
  10. Jia Y, Liu Z, Zhou L, Liu X, Ma K, Feng X* (2023) Soil organic carbon sourcing variance in the rhizosphere vs. non-rhizosphere of two mycorrhizal tree species.Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 176: 108884.
  11. Liu N, Hu H, Ma W, Deng Y, Dimitrov D, Wang Q, Shrestha N, Su X, Feng K, Liu Y, Hao B, Zhang X, Feng X*, Wang Z* (2023) Relationships between soil microbial diversities across an aridity gradient in temperate grasslands: soil microbial diversity relationships. Microbial Ecology, 85: 1013-1027.


  1. Wang Y, Liu X, Zhang X, Dai G, Wang Z, Feng X* (2022) Evaluating wetland soil carbon stability related to iron transformation during redox oscillations. Geoderma 428: 116222.
  2. Dai G, Zhu S, Cai Y, Zhu E, Jia Y, Ji C, Tang Z, Fang J, Feng X* (2022) Plant-derived lipids play a crucial role in forest soil carbon accumulation. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 168: 108645.
  3. Cai Y, Ma T, Wang Y, Jia J, Jia Y, Liang C, Feng X* (2022) Assessing the accumulation efficiency of various microbial carbon components in soils of different minerals. Geoderma, 407: 115562.


  1. Zhao Y, Liu C, Wang S, Wang Y, Liu X, Luo W, Feng X* (2021) "Triple locks" on soil organic carbon exerted by sphagnum acid in wetlands. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 315: 24-37.
  2. Liu N, Hu H, Ma W, Deng Y, Wang Q, Luo A, Meng J, Feng X*, Wang Z* (2021) Relative importance of deterministic and stochastic processes on soil microbial community assembly in temperate grasslands. Microorganisms, 9: 1929.
  3. Jia Y, Zhai G, Zhu S, Liu X, Schmid B, Wang Z, Ma K, Feng X* (2021) Plant and microbial pathways driving plant diversity effects on soil carbon accumulation in subtropical forest. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 161: 108375.
  4. Liu C, Wang S, Zhu E, Jia J, Zhao Y, Feng X* (2021) Long-term drainage induces divergent changes of soil organic carbon contents but enhances microbial carbon accumulation in fen and bog. Geoderma, 404: 115343.
  5. 周镭戴国华朱二雄冯晓娟* (2021) 不同类型湿地CO2:CH4比例及其影响因素:整合分析. 第四纪研究, 41: 1148-1157.
  6. Wang X#, Liu T#, Wang L, Liu Z, Zhu E, Wang S, Cai Y, Zhu S, Feng X* (2021) Spatial-temporal variations in riverine carbon strongly influenced by local hydrological events in an alpine catchment. Biogeosciences, 18: 3015-3028.
  7. Wang S, Jia Y, Liu T, Wang Y, Liu Z, Feng X* (2021) Delineating the role of calcium in the large-scale distribution of metal-bound organic carbon in soils. Geophysical Research Letters, 48(10): e2021GL092391.
  8. Zhang X, Jia J, Chen L, Chu H, He J-S, Zhang Y, Feng X* (2021) Aridity and NPP constrain contribution of microbial necromass to soil organic carbon in the Qinghai-Tibet alpine grasslands. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 156: 108213.
  9. Zhu E#, Cao Z#, Jia J, Liu C, Zhang Z, Wang H, Dai G, He J-S, Feng X* (2021) Inactive and inefficient: Warming and drought effect on microbial carbon processing in alpine grassland at depth. Global Change Biology, 27(10): 2241-2253.
  10. Liu T, Wang X, Zhu E, Liu Z, Zhang X, Guo J, Liu X, He C, Hou S, Fu P, Shi Q, Feng X* (2021) Evolution of dissolved organic matter composition along the upper Mekong (Lancang) River.ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 5(2): 319-330.
  11. Eglinton TI*, Galy VV*, Hemingway JD, Feng X, et al. (2021) Climate control on terrestrial biospheric carbon turnover. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(8): e2011585118.


  1. 冯晓娟*, 王依云, 刘婷, 贾娟, 戴国华, 马田, 刘宗广(2020) 生物标志物及其在生态系统研究中的应用. 植物生态学报, 44: 384-394.
  2. Zhang X#, Dai G#, Ma T, Liu N, Hu H, Ma W, Zhang JB, Wang Z, Peterse F, Feng X* (2020) Links between microbial biomass and necromass components in the top- and subsoils of temperate grasslands along an aridity gradient.Geoderma, 379: 114623.
  3. Ma T, Dai G, Zhu S, Chen D, Chen L, Lü X, Wang X, Zhu J, Zhang Y, He J-S, Bai Y, Han X, Feng X* (2020) Vertical variations in plant- and microbial-derived carbon components in grassland soils.Plant and Soil, 446: 441-455.
  4. Zhu E, Liu T, Zhou L, Wang S, Wang X, Zhang Z, Wang Z, Bai Y, Feng X* (2020) Leaching of organic carbon from grassland soils under anaerobiosis. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 141: 107684.


  1. 刘程竹, 贾娟, 戴国华, 马田, 冯晓娟* (2019) 中性糖在土壤中的来源与分布特征. 植物生态学报, 43: 284-295.
  2. Lee H, Galy V, Feng X, Ponton C, Galy A, France-Lanord C, Feakins S.J.* (2019) Sustained wood burial in the Bengal Fan over the last 19 My. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116: 22518-22525.
  3. Liu N, Hu H, Ma W, Deng Y, Liu Y, Hao B, Zhang X, Dimitrov D, Feng X*, Wang Z* (2019) Contrasting biogeographic patterns of bacterial and archaeal diversity in the top- and subsoils of temperate grasslands. mSystems, 4(5): e00566-19.
  4. Cao Z#, Jia Y#, Cai Y, Wang X, Hu H, Zhang J, Jia J, Feng X* (2019) Past aridity's effect on carbon mineralization potentials in grassland soils. Biogeosciences, 16: 3605-3619.
  5. Jia J, Cao Z, Liu C, Zhang Z, Lin L, Wang Y, Haghipour N, Wacker L, Bao H, Dittmar T, Simpson MJ, Yang H, Crowther TW, Eglinton TI, He JS*, Feng X* (2019) Climate warming alters subsoil but not topsoil carbon dynamics in alpine grassland. Global Change Biology, 25: 4383-4393. (GCB年度高下载论文)
  6. Dai G, Zhu E, Liu Z, Wang Y, Zhu S, Wang S, Ma T, Jia J, Wang X, Hou S, Fu P, Peterse F, Feng X* (2019) Compositional characteristics of fluvial particulate organic matter exported from the world's largest alpine wetland. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences, 124: 2709-2727.
  7. Jia J, Feng X*, Graf Pannatier E, Wacker L, McIntyre C, van der Voort T, Montlucon D, Eglinton TI (2019) 14C characteristics of dissolved lignin along a forest soil profile.Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 135: 407-410.
  8. Zhu S#, Dai G#, Ma T, Chen L, Chen D, Lü X, Wang X, Zhu J, Zhang Y, Bai Y, Han X, He J-S, Feng X* (2019) Distribution of lignin phenols in comparison with plant-derived lipids in the alpine versus temperate grassland soils. Plant and Soil, 439: 325-338.
  9. Ma T#, Dai G#, Zhu S, Chen D, Chen L, Lü X, Wang X, Zhu J, Zhang Y, Ma W, He J-S, Bai Y, Han X, Feng X* (2019) Distribution and preservation of root- and shoot-derived carbon components in soils across the Chinese-Mongolian grasslands. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences, 124: 420-431.


  1. Ma T, Zhu S, Wang Z, Chen D, Dai G, Feng B, Su X, Hu H, Li K, Han W, Liang C, Bai Y, Feng X* (2018) Divergent accumulation of microbial necromass and plant lignin components in grassland soils. Nature Communications, 9: 3480. (ESI高被引论文)
  2. Liu T#, Wang L#, Feng X*, Zhang J, Ma T, Wang X, Liu Z (2018) Comparing soil carbon loss through respiration and leaching under extreme precipitation events in arid and semiarid grasslands. Biogeosciences, 15: 1627-1641.
  3. Dai G, Ma T, Zhu S, Liu Z, Chen D, Bai Y, Chen L, He J-S, Zhu J, Zhang Y, Lü X, Wang X, Han X, Feng X* (2018) Large-scale distribution of molecular components in Chinese grassland soils: The influences by input and decomposition processes.Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences, 123: 239-255.


  1. Cai Y, Tang Z, Xiong G, Xie Z, Liu Z, Feng X* (2017) Different composition and distribution patterns of mineral-protected versus hydrolysable lipids in shrubland soils. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences,122: 2206-2218.
  2. Feng X*, Vonk JE, Griffin C, Zimov N, Montlucon DB, Wacker L, Eglinton TI. (2017) 14C variation of dissolved lignin in arctic river systems.ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 1: 334-344.
  3. Wang Y, Wang H, He J-S, Feng X* (2017) Iron-mediated soil carbon response to water-table decline in an alpine wetland.Nature Communications, 8: 15972.
  4. Jia J, Feng X*, He J-S, He H, Lin L, Liu Z (2017) Comparing microbial carbon sequestration and priming in the subsoil versus topsoil of a Qinghai-Tibetan alpine grassland. Soil Biology & Biochemistry,104: 141-151.


  1. Feng X*, Feakins SJ*, Liu Z, Ponton C, Wang RZ, Karkabi E, Galy V, Berelson WM, Nottingham AT, Meir P, West AJ (2016) Source to sink: Evolution of lignin composition in the Madre de Dios River system with connection to the Amazon basin and offshore. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences, 121: 1316-1338.
  2. Dai G, Zhu S, Liu Z, Chen L, He J-S, Feng X* (2016) Distribution of fatty acids in the alpine grassland soils of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau.Science China Earth Sciences,59: 1329-1338.


  1. Feng X*, Gustafsson O, Holmes RM, Vonk JE, van Dongen BE, Semiletov IP, Dudarev OV, Yunker MB, Macdonald RW, Wacker L, Montlucon DB, Eglinton TI (2015) Multimolecular tracers of terrestrial carbon transfer across the pan-Arctic: 14C characteristics of sedimentary carbon components and their environmental controls. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 29: 1855-1873. (封面文章)
  2. Feng X*, Gustafsson O, Holmes RM, Vonk JE, van Dongen BE, Semiletov IP, Dudarev OV, Yunker MB, Macdonald RW, Montlucon DB, Eglinton TI (2015) Multi-molecular tracers of terrestrial carbon transfer across the pan-Arctic: Comparison of hydrolysable components with plant wax lipids and lignin phenols. Biogeosciences, 12: 4841-4860.
  3. Feng X*, Vonk JE, van Dongen BE, Gustafsson O, Semiletov IP, Dudarev OV, Wang Z, Montlucon DB, Wacker L, Eglinton TI (2013) Differential mobilization of terrestrial carbon pools in Eurasian Arctic river basins. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110: 14168-14173.
  4. Feng X*, Benitez-Nelson BC, Montlucon DB, Prahl FG, McNichol AP, Xu L, Repeta DJ, Eglinton TI (2013) 14C and 13C characteristics of higher plant biomarkers in Washington margin surface sediments.Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 105: 14-30.
  5. Feng X*, Simpson MJ* (2011) Molecular-level methods for monitoring soil organic matter responses to global climate change (invited review). Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 13: 1246-1254.
  6. Feng X, Hills K, Simpson AJ, Whalen JK, Simpson MJ* (2011) The role of biodegradation and photo-oxidation in the transformation of terrestrial organic matter. Organic Geochemistry, 42: 262-274.
  7. Feng X, Simpson AJ, Gregorich EG, Elberling B, Hopkins DW, Sparrow AD, Novis PM, Greenfield LG, Simpson MJ* (2010) Chemical characterization of microbial-dominated soil organic matter in the Garwood Valley, Antarctica. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 74: 6485-6498.
  8. Feng X, Simpson AJ, Schlesinger WH, Simpson MJ* (2010) Altered microbial community structure and organic matter composition under elevated CO2 and N fertilization in the Duke Forest. Global Change Biology, 16: 2104-2116.
  9. Feng X, Xu Y, Jaffé R, Schlesinger WH, Simpson MJ* (2010) Turnover rates of hydrolysable aliphatic lipids in Duke Forest soils determined by compound specific 13C isotopic analysis. Organic Geochemistry,41: 573-579.
  10. Feng X, Simpson MJ* (2009) Temperature and substrate controls on microbial phospholipid fatty acid composition during incubation of grassland soils constrasting in organic matter quality. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 41: 804-812.
  11. Feng X, Simpson AJ, Wilson K, Williams DD, Simpson MJ* (2008) Increased cuticular carbon sequestration and lignin oxidation in response to soil warming. Nature Geoscience, 1: 836-839. (Nature Geoscience配发评论)
  12. Feng X, Simpson MJ* (2008) Temperature responses of individual soil organic matter components. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences, 113: G03036, doi:10.1029/2008JG000743.
  13. Feng X, Simpson MJ* (2007) The distribution and degradation of biomarkers in Alberta grassland soil profiles.Organic Geochemistry, 38: 1558-1570.
  14. Feng X, Nielsen LL, Simpson MJ* (2007) Responses of soil organic matter and microorganisms to freeze-thaw cycles. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 39: 2027-2037.
  15. Feng X, Simpson AJ, Simpson MJ* (2006) Investigating the role of mineral-bound humic acid in phenanthrene sorption. Environmental Science & Technology, 40: 3260-3266.
  16. Feng X, Simpson AJ, Simpson MJ* (2005) Chemical and mineralogical controls on humic acid sorption to clay mineral surfaces. Organic Geochemistry, 36: 1553-1566.