植物分子发育生理研究组组长、中国科学院大学教授。NSFC国家杰出青年获得者、NSFC“细胞分化与器官发生”创新群体首席科学家、“百千万人才工程”国家级人选。中国植物学会理事长、中科院植物所学术委员会主任。担任Journal of Integrative Plant Biology共同主编,Journal of Biological Chemistry、Molecular Genetics and Genomics、Journal of Genetics and Genomics编委。主持承担多项重大研究项目,如中科院战略性先导专项、科技部973和863项目等。在Cell、Annual Review of Plant Biology、Nature Plants、Nature Communications、Molecular Cell、Developmental Cell、Cell Reports、EMBO Journal、PNAS、Genome Biology和The Plant Cell等学术期刊发表研究论文100余篇。多次获得中国科学院优秀教师奖励。已培养硕士和博士70余名、博士后7名,其中多名博士生获得“中国科学院优秀博士论文”奖励和中国科学院院长优秀奖。
1. 水稻感受低温信号网络与分子设计
2. 苜蓿耐逆性状分子设计
3. 小麦春化分子机理
[1] “创建生态草牧业科技体系”, 中国科学院A类先导专项(2019.11-2024.10);专项负责人
[2] “作物温度信号感受与应答的蛋白质机器研究”,国家重点研发计划项目(2020.12-2025.11);项目负责人
Liu DF, Luo ST, Li ZT, Liang GH, Guo YL, Xu YY, Chong K*. 2024. COG3 confers the chilling tolerance to mediate OsFtsH2-D1 module in rice. New Phytologist, 241:2143-2157.
Luo ST, Zheng SS, Li ZT, Cao J, Wang B, Xu YY, Chong K*. 2024. Monosaccharide transporter OsMST6 is activated bytranscription factor OsERF120 to enhance chilling tolerance in rice seedlings. J Exp Bot, 75:4038-4051.
Feng JL, Li ZT, Luo W, Liang GH, Xu YY, Chong K*. 2023. COG2 negatively regulates chilling tolerance through cell wall components altered in rice. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 136:1-11.
Guo XY#, Zhang DJ#, Wang ZL, Xu SJ, Batisti O, Steinhorst L, Li H, Weng YX, Ren DT, Kudla J, Xu YY, Chong K*. 2023. Cold-induced calreticulin OsCRT3 conformational changes promote OsCIPK7 binding and temperature sensing in rice. EMBO Journal, 42: e110518.
Li ZT#, Wang B#, Luo W, Xu YT, Wang J, Xue ZH, Niu YD, Cheng ZK, Ge S, Zhang W, Zhang JY*, Li QZ*, Chong K*. 2023. Natural variation of codon repeats in COLD11 endows rice with chilling resilience. Science Advances, 9(1): eabq5506
Xiao J*, Liu B, Yao Y, Guo Z, Jia H, Kong L, Zhang A, Ma W, Ni Z, Xu S, Lu F, Jiao Y, Yang W, Lin X, Sun S, Lu Z, Gao L, Zhao G, Cao S, Chen Q, Zhang K, Wang M, Wang M, Hu Z, Guo W, Li G, Ma X, Li J, Han F, Fu X, Ma Z, Wang DW*, Zhang XY*, Ling HQ*, Xia GM*, Tong YP*, Liu ZY*, He ZH*, Jia JZ*, Chong K*. 2022. Wheat genomic study for genetic improvement of traits in China. Science China-Life Sciences, 65:1718-1775.
Li JH, Zhang ZY, Chong K, Xu YY*. 2022. Chilling tolerance in rice: Past and present. Journal of Plant Physiology, 268:153576.
Luo W, Huan Q, Xu YY, Qian WF, Chong K*, Zhang JY*. 2021. Integrated global analysis reveals a vitamin E-vitamin K1 sub-network, downstream of COLD1, underlying rice chilling tolerance divergence. Cell Reports, 36(3):58-76.
Yang WS, Wu K, Wang B, Liu HH, Guo SY, Guo XY, Luo W, Sun SY, Ouyang YD, Fu XD, Chong K, Zhang QF*, Xu YY*. 2021. The RING E3 ligase CLG1 targets GS3 for degradation via the endosome pathway to determine grain size in rice. Molecular Plant, 14(10):1699-1713.
Li ZT, Wang B, Zhang ZY, Luo W, Tang YY, Niu YD, Chong K, Xu YY*. 2021. OsGRF6 interacts with SLR1 to regulate OsGA2ox1 expression for coordinating chilling tolerance and growth in rice. Journal of Plant Physiology, 260:153406.
Xu SJ, Dong Q, Deng M, Lin DX, Xiao J, Cheng PL, Xing LJ, Niu YD, Gao CX, Zhang WH, Xu YY, Chong K*. 2021. A vernalization-induced long non-coding RNA VAS together with transcription factor TaRF2b activates TaVRN1 for flowering in hexaploid wheat. Molecular Plant, 14(9):1525-1538.
Xia CX, Gong YS, Chong K, Xu YY*.2021. Phosphatase OsPP2C27 directly dephosphorylates OsMAPK3 and OsbHLH002 to negatively regulate cold tolerance in rice. Plant Cell and Environment, 44(2):491-505.
Ge Q*, Zhang YY*, Xu YY, Bai MY, Luo W, Wang B, Niu YD, Zhao Y, Li SS, Weng YX, Wang ZY, Qian Q, Chong K*. 2020. Cyclophilin OsCYP20-2 with a novel variant integrates defense and cell elongation for chilling response in rice. New Phytologist, 225:2453–2467.
Tang YY, Gao CC, Gao Y, Yang Y, Shi BY, Yu JL, Lyu C, Sun BF, Wang HL, Xu YY, Yang YG*, Chong K*. 2020. OsNSUN2-mediated 5-methylcytidine mRNA modification enhances rice adaptation to high-temperature. Developmental Cell, 53(3):272-286.
Ge Q, Tang YY, Luo W, Zhang JY, Chong K, Xu YY*. 2020. A cyclophilin OsCYP20–2 interacts withOsSYF2 to regulate grain length by pre-mRNAsplicing. Rice, 13(1):64-74.
Xu SJ, Xiao J, Yin F, Guo XY, Xing LJ, Xu YY, Chong K*. 2019. The protein modifications of O-GlcNAcylation and phosphorylation mediate vernalization response for flowering in winter wheat. Plant Physiology, 180(3):1436-1449.
Zhang JY*, Li XM*, Lin HX, Chong K*. 2019.Crop improvement through temperature resilience. Annual Review of Plant Biology, 70:753-780.
Zhang DJ, Guo XY, Xu YY, Li H, Ma L, Yao XF, Weng YX, Guo Y, Liu CM, Chong K*. 2019. OsCIPK7 point‐mutation leads to conformation and kinase‐activity change for sensing cold response. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 61(12):1194-1200.
Xing LJ§, Liu Y§, Xu SJ, Xiao J, Wang B, Deng HW, Lu Z, Xu YY, Chong K*. 2018. Arabidopsis O-GlcNAc transferase SEC activates histone methyltransferase ATX1 to regulate flowering. EMBO J., 37: e98115.
Xu SJ, Chong K*. 2018, Remembering winter through vernalisation. Nature Plants, 4: 997-1009
Chen LP, Zhao Y, Xu SJ, Zhang ZY, Xu YY, Zhang JY, Chong K*. 2018. OsMADS57 together with OsTB1 coordinates transcription of its target OsWRKY94 and D14 to switch its organogenesis to defense for cold adaptation in rice. New Phytologist, 218: 219-231.
Zhang ZY, Li JH, Li F, Liu HH, Yang WS, Chong K and Xu YY. 2017. OsMAPK3 phosphorylates OsbHLH002/OsICE1 and inhibits its ubiquitination to activate OsTPP1 and enhances rice chilling tolerance. Developmental Cell, 43:731–743.
Guo XY, Xu SJ, Chong K. 2017. Cold signal shuttles from membrane to nucleus. Molecular Cell, 66:7-8.
Zhang JY, Luo W, Zhao Y, Xu YY, Song SH, Chong K. 2016. Comparative metabolomic analysis reveals a reactive oxygen species-dominated dynamic model underlying chilling environment adaptation and tolerance in rice. New Phytologist, 211: 1295-1310.
Ma Y*, Dai XY*, Xu YY*, Luo W*, Zheng XM, Zeng DL, Pan YJ, Lin XL, Liu HH, Zhang DJ, Xiao J, Guo XY, Xu SJ, Niu YD, Jin JB, Zhang H, Xu X, Li LG, Wang W, Qian Q, Ge S, Chong K. 2015. COLD1 confers chilling tolerance in rice. Cell, 160: 1209-1221(*These authors contributed equally to this Work).
Wang L, Chong K. 2015. The essential role of cytokin in signaling in root apical meristem formation during somatic embryogenesis. Frontiers in Plant Science, 6: 1196-1200.
Xiao J, Xu SJ, Li CH, Xu YY, Xing LJ, Niu YD Huan Q, Tang Y, Zhao CP, Wagner D, Gao CX, Chong K. 2014. O-GlcNAc-mediated interaction between VER2 and TaGRP2 elicits TaVRN1 mRNA accumulation during vernalization in winter wheat. Nature Communications, 5: 4572.
Chong K and Xu ZH. 2014. Investment in plant research and development bears fruit in China. Plant Cell Reports, 33: 541-550.
Liu HH, Ma Y, Chen N, Guo SY, Liu HL, Guo XY, Chong K, Xu YY*. 2014. Overexpression of stress-inducible OsBURP16, the β subunit of polygalacturonase 1, decreases pectin content and cell adhesion and increases abiotic stress sensitivity in rice. Plant Cell and Environment, 37: 1144–1158.
Liu HH, Guo SY, Xu YY, Li CH, Zhang ZY, Zhang DJ, Xu SJ, Zhang C, Chong K*. 2014. OsmiR396d-regulated OsGRFs Function in Floral Organogenesis in Rice through Binding to their Targets OsJMJ706 and OsCR4. Plant Physiology, 165:160-174.
Zhang JY, Mao ZW and Chong K. 2013. A global profiling of uncapped mRNAs under cold stress reveals specific decay patterns and endonucleolytic cleavages in Brachypodiumdistachyon. Genome Biology, 14:R92.
Zhang YY, Li BB, Xu YY, Li HL, Li SS, Zhang DJ, Mao ZW, Guo SY, Yang CH, Weng YX, and Chong K. 2013. The Cyclophilin CYP20-2 Modulates the Conformation of BRASSINAZOLE - RESISTANT1, Which Binds the Promoter of FLOWERING LOCUS D to Regulate Flowering in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell, 25:2504-2521.
Chen Y, Xu YY, Luo W, Li WX, Chen N, Zhang DJ and Chong K. 2013. The F-box protein OsFBK12 targets OsSAMS1 for degradation and affects pleiotropic phenotypes including leaf senescence in rice. Plant Physiology, 163:1673-1685.
Guo SY, Xu YY, Liu HL, Mao ZW, Zhang C, Ma Y, Zhang QR, Meng Z and Chong K. 2013. The interaction between OsMADS57 and OsTB1 modulates rice tillering via DWARF14. Nature Communications,4:1566-1574.
Li CJ, Liu ZJ, Zhang QR, Wang R, Xiao LT, Ma H, Chong K and Xu YY. 2012. SKP1 is involved in abscisic acid signalling to regulate seed germination, stomatal opening and root growth in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell and Environment, 35, 952–965
Zhang C, Xu YY, Guo SY, Zhu J, Huan Q, Liu HL, Wang L, Luo GZ, Wang XJ and Chong K. 2012. Dynamics of brassinosteroid response modulated by negative regulator LIC in rice. PLoS Genetics, 8: e1002686
Li J, Jiang JF, Qian Q, Xu YY, Zhang C, Xiao J, Du C, Luo W, Zou GX, Chen ML, Huang YQ, Feng YQ, Cheng ZK, Yuan M and Chong K. 2011. Mutation of rice BC12/GDD1, which encodes a kinesin-like protein that binds to a GA biosynthesis gene promoter, leads to dwarfism with impaired cell elongation. The Plant Cell, 2: 628-640
Cao H, Guo SY, Xu YY, Jiang K, Jones AM and Chong K. 2011. Reduced expression of a gene encoding a Golgi localized monosaccharide transporter (OsGMST1) confers hypersensitivity to salt in rice (Oryza sativa). Journal of Experimental Botany, 62:4595-4604
Chen N, Xu YY, Wang X, Du C, Du JZ, Yuan M, Xu ZH and Chong K. 2011. OsRAN2, essential for mitosis, enhances cold tolerance in rice by promoting export of intranuclear tubulin and maintaining cell division under cold stress. Plant Cell and Environment, 34:52-64
Li BB, Xu WZ, Xu YY, Zhang YY, Wang T, Bai Y, Han CG, Zhang AM, Xu ZH and Chong K. 2010. Integrative study on proteomics, molecular physiology and genetics reveals an accumulation of cyclophilin-like protein, TaCYP20-2, leads to increase of Rht protein and dwarf in a novel GA-insensitive mutant (gaid) in wheat. Journal of Proteome Research, 8:4242–4253
Xing LJ, Li J, Xu YY, Xu ZH and Chong K. 2009. Phosphorylation modification of wheat lectin VER2 is associated with vernalization-induced O-GlcNAc signaling and intracellular motility. PLoS ONE, 4: e4854
Wang L, Wang Z, Xu YY, Joo SH, Kim SK, Xue Z, Xu ZH, Wang ZY and Chong K. 2009. OsGSR1 is involved in cross-talk between gibberellins and brassinosteroids in rice. The Plant Journal, 57: 498-510
Li D, Wang L, Wang M, Xu YY, Luo W, Liu YJ, Xu ZH, Li J and Chong K. 2009. Engineering OsBAK1 gene as a molecular tool to improve rice architecture for high yield. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 7:791–806
Ma QB, Dai XY, Xu YY, Guo J, Liu YJ, Chen N, Xiao J, Zhang DJ, Xu ZH, Zhang XS and Chong K. 2009. Enhanced tolerance to chilling stress in OsMYB3R-2 transgenic rice is mediated by alteration in cell cycle and ectopic expression of stress genes. Plant Physiology, 150: 244-256
Han Y, Cao H, Jiang JF, Xu YY, Du JZ, Wang X, Yuan M, Wang ZY, Xu ZH and Chong K. 2008. The rice ROOT ARCHITECTURE ASSOCIATED1 binds the proteasome subunit RPT4 and is degraded in a D-box and proteasome dependent manner. Plant Physiology, 148: 843-855
Wang X, Zhang Y, Ma QB, Zhang ZL, Xue YB, Bao SL and Chong K. 2007. SKB1-mediated symmetric dimethylation of histone H4R3 controls flowering time in Arabidopsis. The EMBO Journal, 26: 1934-1941
Zhuang XL, Jiang JF, Li J, Ma QB, Xu YY, Xue YB, Xu ZH and Chong K. 2006. Overexpression of OsAGAP, an ARF-GAP, interferes with auxin influx, vesicle trafficking and root development. The Plant Journal, 48: 581-591
Wang X, Xu YY, Han Y, Bao SL, Du J, Yuan M, Xu ZH and Chong K. 2006. Overexpression of RAN1 in rice and Arabidopsis alters primordial meristem, mitotic progress and sensitivity to auxin. Plant Physiology, 140: 91-101
Wang Z, Liang Y, Li CJ, Xu YY, Lan LF, Chen CJ, Xu ZH, Xue YB and Chong K. 2005. Identification of another development-related genes by gene expression profiling with a 10-K cDNA microarray in rice (Oryza sativa L. ). Plant Molecular Biology, 58: 721-737
Zhuang XL, Xu YY, Chong K, Lan LF, Xue YB and Xu ZH. 2005. OsAGAP, an ARF-GAP from rice, regulates root development dependent mediated by auxin in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell and Environment, 28: 147–156
Xu YY, Wang XM, Li J, Li JH, Wu JS, John C. Walker, Xu ZH and Chong K. 2005. Activation of the WUS gene induces ectopic initiation of foral meristems on mature stem surface in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Molecular Biology, 57: 773-784
Ge L, Chen H, Jiang JF, Zhao Y, Xu ML, Xu YY, Tan KH, Xu ZH, and Chong K. 2004. Overexpression of OsRAA1 causes pleiotropic phenotypes in transgenic rice plants, including altered leaf, flower and root development and root response to gravity. Plant Physiology, 135:1502-1513
Yong WD, Xu YY, Xu WZ, Li N, Wu JS, Liang TB, Chong K. Xu ZH and Tan KH. 2003. Vernalization-induced flowering in wheat is mediated by a lectin-like gene VER2. Planta, 217:261-270
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