中国科学院大学岗位教授。2000年和2003年在东北农业大学分别获学士和硕士学位,2008年在中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所获博士学位。2009年2月至2017年1月在美国斯坦福卡内基研究所植物生物学系从事博士后研究和研究助理工作。期间于2009年在美国科罗拉多再生能源国家实验室(NREL)访问研究。2017年入选国家人才计划。2017年2月到中国科学院植物研究所工作,目前任植物所副所长、光生物学重点实验室主任。2018年加入中国科学院大学现代农学院作物生理与高效农业教研室任教研室副主任职务,同年加入中国科学院中丹学院组学教研室,2019年加入中国科学院种子创新研究院。目前兼任中国藻类学会理事、中国植物生理与植物分子生物学学会光合作用专业委员会委员、中国细胞生物学会青年工作委员会委员、中国细胞生物学会WLLA青年PI培训委员等职。担任The Plant Cell等多个国际期刊的审稿人。担任《热带作物学报》副主编、JIPB、MODA、New Crops和《土壤学报》编委、Frontier in Plant Science review editor。主要从事光合作用调控、叶绿体蛋白转运和质量控制以及豆科高光效等相关研究。主持和参与国家人才计划、基金委、科技部、农业部及中国科学院先导等多个项目。在Small Methods, PNAS, Plant Cell, Plant Journal, Molecular Plant, Plant Physiology, New Phytologist, Cell Reports等期刊发表论文30余篇,参编著作5本。荣获中国科学院大学优秀教师称号,所授两门课程评选为优秀课程奖,荣获北京市教工委“大中小幼教师讲述我们的育人故事集”特等奖和中国科学院“朱李月华”优秀教师奖等多个奖项。
揭示光合作用吸能、传能和转能过程中的机制,解析藻类二氧化碳识别、转运及浓缩机理,揭示与藻类 RuBisCO 酶活性高效的机理,揭示光合作用发生过程中的质量控制过程。
[1] “微生物高效光合原件及模块的鉴定、功能表征及优化”(2020.01-2024.12),国家重点研发计划子课题,项目负责人。
[2] “株型控制新基因挖掘与育种价值评价”(2023.12-2025.11),农业农村部科技创新2030:“农业生物育种”重大项目子课题负责人。
[3] “利用山西省藻类资源高效RuBisCO提升谷子固碳效率实现提质增效的研究”(2023.01-2026.12),国家自然科学基金联合基金项目,项目负责人。
[4] “基于高效碳汇的药用产物微藻底盘理性设计与新型载药系统创制”(2024.01-2026.12),山东省自然科学基金项目,项目负责人。
[5] “创建生态草牧业科技体系项目” (2020.11-2025.10)中国科学院先导专项(A类)子课题,项目负责人。
[6] “种子精准设计的分子基础” (2019.11-2024.12)中国科学院先导专项(A类)子课题任务,项目负责人。
[7] “乙酸代谢在衣藻光合作用和黑暗异养中的作用机制研究”(2019.01-2022.12),国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目负责人。
[8] “从氧化还原平衡角度理解衣藻黑暗代谢和光合作用机制”(2018.01-2018.12),国家自然科学基金应急项目,项目负责人。
[9] 国家人才计划(2017.01-2019.12),项目负责人。
研究论文(注*为通讯作者, §为共同第一作者):
Duan X, Zhang Y, Huang X, Ma X, Gao H, Wang Y, Xiao Z, Huang C, Wang Z, Li B, Yang W, Wang Y. 2024. GreenPhos, a universal method for in-depth measurement of plant phosphoproteomes with high quantitative reproducibility. Mol Plant. 17(1): 199-213.
Zhu S, Yang H, Bin S, Wang M, You T, Li X, Tian L, Grossman AR, Lu S, Yang W*. 2024. GreenCut protein LPB1 is required for SQDG accumulation and optimal photosynthetic electron transfer from QA− to QB in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Algal Research. S2211-9264(24)00068-7.
Xu Q§, Wang X§, Wang N§, Li S, Yao X, Kuang H, Qiu Z, Ke D, Yang W, Guan Y*. 2024. Nitrogen inhibition of nitrogenase activity involves the modulation of cytosolic invertase in soybean nodule. J Genet Genomics. S1673-8527(24)00155-3.
Zhong X§, Wang J§, Shi X, Bai M, Yuan C, C Cai H, Wang N, Zhu X, Kuang H, Wang X, Su J, He X, Liu X, Yang W, Yang C, Kong F*, Wang E*, Guan Y*. 2024.Genetically optimizing soybean nodulation improves yield and protein content. Nature Plants. 10(5): 736-742.
Feng Y§, Li Z§, Li X, Shen L, Liu X, Zhou C, Zhang J, Sang M, Han G, Yang W, Kuang T, Wang W*, Shen J*. 2023.Structure of a diatom photosystem II supercomplex containing a member of Lhcx family and dimeric FCPII. Science Advances. 9(43): eadi8446.
Pang X, Nawrocki WJ, Cardol P, Zheng M, Jiang J, Fang Y, Yang W, Croce R, Tian L*. 2023.Weak acids produced during anaerobic respiration suppress both photosynthesis and aerobic respiration. Nat Commun. 14(1): 4207.
Zhu S§, Bin S§, Wang W, Lu S*, Yang W*. 2022. Exogenous arachidonic acid affects fucoxanthin biosynthesis and photoprotection in Phaeodactylum tricornutum. Mar Drugs. 20(10): 644.
Xing J§, Pan J§, Yi H, Lv K, Gan Q, Wang M, Ge H, Huang X, Huang F, Wang Y, Rochaix J, Yang W*. 2022. The plastid-encoded protein Orf2971 is required for protein translocation and chloroplast quality control. Plant Cell. 34(9): 3383-3399.
Lv Y§, Han F§, Liu M§, Zhang T, Cui GS, Wang J, Yang Y, Yang Y, Yang W*. 2022. Characteristics of N6-methyladenosine modification during sexual reproduction of Chalmydomonas reinhardtii. Genom Proteom Bioinf.S1672-0229(22)00040-7.doi:10.1016/j.gpb.2022.04.004.
Li J, Yuan J, Li Y, Sun H, Ma T, Huai J, Yang W, Zhang W, Lin R*. 2022. The CDC48 complex mediates ubiquitin-dependent degradation of intra-chloroplast proteins in plants. Cell Rep. 39(2): 110664.
Han C, Hua W, Li J, Qiao Y, Yao L, Hao W, Li R, Fan M, Jaeger GD, Yang W and Bai M*. 2022. TOR promotes guard cell starch degradation by regulating the activity of β-AMYLASE1 in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell. 34(3): 1038-1053.
Gao Z§, Chen Z§, Cui Y§, Ke M§, Xu H, Xu Q, Chen J, Li Y, Huang L, Zhao H, Huang D, Mai S, Xu T, Liu X, Li S, Guan Y, Yang W, Friml J, Petrasek J, Zhang J, Chen X*. 2021. GmPIN-dependent polar auxin transport is involved in soybean nodule development. Plant Cell. 33(9): 2981-3003.
Wang Y§, Yang H§, Zhang X, Han F, Tu W* and Yang W*. 2020. Microalgal hydrogen production. Small Methods. 4: 1900514.
Tu W, Wu L, Zhang C, Sun R, Wang L, Yang W, Yang C and Liu C. 2020. Neoxanthin affects the stability of the C2S2M2-type photosystem II supercomplexes and the kinetics of state transition in Arabidopsis. Plant J. 104(6): 1724-1735.
Grossman AR, Luque ES, Yi H, Yang W*. 2019. Building the GreenCut2 suite of proteins to unmask photosynthetic function and regulation. Microbiology. 165: 697-718.
Li Z, Mo W, Jia L, Xu Y, Tang W, Yang W, Guo Y, Lin R. 2019. Rice FLUORESCENT1 Is Involved in the regulation of chlorophyll. Plant Cell Physiol. 60(10): 2307-2318.
Liu J*, Sun Z, Mao X, Gerken H, Wang X, Yang W. 2019. Multiomics analysis reveals a distinct mechanism of oleaginousness in the emerging model alga Chromochloris zofingiensis. Plant J. doi: 10.1111/tpj.14302.
Wittkopp TM, Saroussi S, Yang W, Johnson X, Kim RG, Heinnickel ML, Russell JJ, Phuthong W, Dent RM, Broeckling CD, Peers G, Lohr M, Wollman FA, Niyogi KK, Grossman AR. 2018. GreenCut protein CPLD49 of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii associates with thylakoid membranes and is required for cytochrome b6 f complex accumulation. Plant J. 94(6): 1023-1037.
Heinnickel M, Kim R, Wittkopp TM, Yang W, Walters K, Herbert S, Grossman AR. 2016. Tetratricopeptide repeat protein protects photosystem I from oxidative disruption during assembly. PNAS.pii: 201524040.
Yang W*§, Wittkopp TM§, Li X, Warakanont J, Dubini A, Catalanotti C, Kim RG, Nowack EC, Mackinder LC, Aksoy M, Page MD, D'Adamo S, Saroussi S, Heinnickel M, Johnson X, Richaud P, Alric J, Boehm M, Jonikas MC, Benning C, Merchant SS, Posewitz MC, Grossman AR. 2015. Critical role of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii ferredoxin-5 in maintaining membrane structure and dark metabolism. PNAS.112(48): 14978-14983.
Yang W*, Catalanotti C, Wittkopp TM, Posewitz MC, Grossman AR.2015.Algae after dark: mechanisms to cope with anoxic/Hypoxic conditions.Coming of age of Chlamydomonas as a model alga. Plant J.82(3): 481-503.
Yang W*, Catalanotti C, D'Adamo S, Wittkopp TM, Ingram-Smith CJ, Mackinder L, Miller TE, Heuberger AL, Peers G, Smith KS, Jonikas MC, Grossman AR, Posewitz MC. 2014. Alternative acetate production pathways in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii during dark anoxia and the dominant role of chloroplasts in fermentative acetate production. Plant Cell. 26(11): 4499-4518.
Duanmu D, Rockwell NC, Dent RM, Niyogi KK, Yang W, Grossman AR, Lagarias C. 2013. Retrograde bilin signaling enables Chlamydomonas greening and phototrophic survival. PNAS.110(9): 3621-6.
Catalanotti C, Yang W, Posewitz MC, Grossman AR. 2013. Fermentation metabolism and its evolution in algae.Front Plant Sci. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2013.00150.
Heinnickel ML, Alric J, Wittkopp T, Yang W, Catalanotti C, Dent RM, Niyogi KK, Wollman FA, Grossman AR. 2013. Novel thylakoid membrane greencut protein cpld38 impacts accumulation of the cytochrome b6f complex and associated regulatory processes. J Biol Chem. 288(10): 7024-36.
Catalanotti C, Dubini A, Subramanian V, Yang W, Magneschi L, Mus F, Seibert M, Posewitz MC, Grossman AR. 2012. Altered fermentative metabolism in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii mutants lacking pyruvate formate lyase and both pyruvate formate lyase and alcohol dehydrogenase. Plant Cell. 24: 692-707.
Magneschi L, Catalanotti C, Subramanian V, Dubini A, Yang W, Mus F, Posewitz MC, Seibert M, Perata P, Grossman AR. 2012. A mutant in the ADH1 gene of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii elicits metabolic restructuring during anaerobiosis. Plant Physiol. 158(3): 1293-305.
Meuser JE, D'Adamo S, Jinkerson RE, Mus F, Yang W, Ghirardi ML, Seibert M, Grossman AR, Posewitz MC. 2011. Genetic disruption of both Chlamydomonas reinhardtii [FeFe]-Hydrogenases: insight into the role of HYDA2 in H2 Production. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 417(2): 704-9.
Gonzalez-Ballester D, Pootakham W, Mus F, Yang W, Catalanotti C, Magneschi L, de Montaigu A, Higuera JJ, Prior M, Galván A, Fernandez E, Grossman AR. 2011. Reverse Genetics in Chlamydomonas: A moderate throughput platform for isolating insertional mutants. Plant Methods. 7: 24. doi:10.1186/1746-4811-7-24.
Grossman AR, Catalanotti C, Yang W, Dubini A, Magneschi L, Subramanian V, Posewitz MC, Seibert M. 2011. Multiple facets of anoxic metabolism and hydrogen production in the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. New Phytol. 190(2): 279-88.
Xu W, Yang R, Li M, Xing Z, Yang W, Chen G, Guo H, Gong X, Du Z, Zhang Z, Hu X, Wang D, Qian Q, Wang T, Su Z, Xue Y. 2010. Transcriptome analysis of diurnal genes in seedling and flag leaves of rice. PLoS One. 6(3): e17613.
Yang W, Lai Y, Li M, Xu W, Xue Y. 2008. A Novel C2-domain-containing phospholipid binding protein, OsPBP1, is involved in pollen fertility in rice (Oryza sativa L.).Mol Plant. 1: 770-785.
Yang W, Kong Z, Omo-Ikerodah E, Xu W, Li Q, Xue Y. 2008. A Calcineurin B-Like interacting protein kinase oscipk23 functions in pollination and drought stress responses in rice. J Genet Genomics. 35: 531-543.
Li M, Xu W, Yang W, Kong Z, Xue Y. 2007. Genome-wide gene expression profiling reveals conserved and novel molecular functions of the stigma in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Plant Physiol. 144: 1797-1812.
Kong Z, Li M, Yang W, Xu W, Xue Y, Xue Y. 2006. A novel nuclear-localized CCCH-type zinc finger protein, OsDOS, is involved in delaying leaf senescence in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Plant Physiol. 141: 1376–1388.
Xu Q, Liu X, Zhang C, Du W, Guan Y, Yang W*. 2022.Insights into soybean with high photosynthetic efficiency. ELSEVIER: Advances in Botanical Research: Soybean Physiology and Genetics.
Yang H, Han F, Wang Y, Yang W and Tu W*. 2021. Strategies to study dark growth deficient or slower mutants in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Springer Nature: MiMB, Plant Photomorphogenesis.
Wittkopp TM, Saroussi S, Yang W, Grossman AR. 2015. Chapter 11: The GreenCut - a tool for understanding the functions and relationships of proteins conserved in green lineage organisms. Horizon: Chloroplasts: Current Research and Applications.
Yang W*, Catalanotti C, Posewitz MC, Alric J, Grossman AR. 2014. Insight into algal fermentation metabolism. Springer: Low Oxygen Stress in Plants.