
报告题目:1) "On the origin of floral organ identity: how the orchid got its lip”
          2) "A homeotic floral variant of Capsella: studying a hopeful monster in the lab and in the wild"
报告人:Guenter Theissen
        Professor of Genetics, Faculty for Biology and Pharmacy, Friedrich Schiller University Jena
时间:2008年10月14日 10:00

Current Status
Professor of Genetics, Faculty for Biology and Pharmacy, Friedrich Schiller University Jena,
Philosophenweg 12, D-07743 Jena, Phone +49 (0)3641 949550, Fax +49 (0)3641 949552,
Email: guenter.theissen@uni-jena.de
Research Interests and Areas of Supervision
• Molecular genetics of flower development (e.g. in maize, rice, orchids, tulips)
• Molecular evolution of MADS-box genes and proteins
• Evolution of flower development
• Mechanisms of macroevolution

Education and Scientific Career
1982 – 1987 Study of Biology, University of Düsseldorf (Diploma 1987)
1991 Dr. rer nat. (Ph.D. equivalent, Molecular Biology), University of Düsseldorf
1992 – 2001 Research Group Leader, Max-Planck-Institute for Breeding Research, Cologne
2000 Habilitation in Genetics, University of Cologne
2001 C3 (Associate) Professor of Botany, University of Münster
Since 2002 C4 (Full) Professor of Genetics, Friedrich Schiller University Jena Interdisciplinary Affiliation
Since 2006 Faculty member of GRK ”ILRS for Microbial and Biomolecular Interactions Jena”Administrative Experience
Since 2007 Board Member of the Faculty of Biology and Pharmacy of FSU
Since 2006 Vice President, European Society for Evolutionary Developmental Biology (EED)
Since 2004 Associate Editor of Plant Systematics and Evolution
Since 2003 Editor of Gene
Since 2003 Advisory Board Member of the Jena Centre for Bioinformatics (JCB)
2003 – 2005 Board Member of the Faculty for Biology and Pharmacy of FSU
Since 2001 Member Faculty of 1000, Facul. Plant Biol., Sect. Plant Genomes & Evolution
1999 Guest editor of a special issue of Developmental Genetics on "Floral Development"
1997 – 2001 "Plant Adaptation" Steering Committee Member, European Science Foundation
1997 – 2001 Responsible Person for Biological Safety (BBS) according to German Law
§ 6 Gentechnikgesetz (GenTG) in the Department Molecular Plant Genetics of the
Max Planck Institute for Breeding Research, Cologne
Since 1993 Project leader Gene Technoloy, S1
Since 1992 Ad hoc reviewer for numerous Journals and Granting Agencies
Honours and Awards
1992 Ph.D. Award of the "Vereinigung für Allgemeine und Angewandte Mikrobiologie e.V."
(VAAM) for excellent achievements in microbiology

Ten most important publications
01. Becker A, Theißen G (2003) The major clades of MADS-box genes and their role in the development and evolution of flowering plants. Mol Phyl Evol 29, 464-489.
02. Kanno A, Saeki H, Kameya T, Saedler H, Theißen G (2003) Heterotopic expression of class B floral homeotic genes supports a modified ABC model for tulip (Tulipa gesneriana).Plant Mol Biol 52, 831-841.
03. Theißen G, Saedler H (2001) Floral quartets. Nature 409, 469-471.
04. Theißen G (2001) Development of floral organ identity: stories from the MADS house.Curr Opin Plant Biol 4, 75-85.
05. Theißen G, Becker A, Di Rosa A, Kanno A, Kim JT, Münster T, Winter K-U, Saedler H (2000) A short history of MADS-box genes in plants. Plant Mol Biol 42, 115-149.
06. Winter K-U, Becker A, Münster T, Kim JT, Saedler H, Theißen G (1999) MADS-box genes reveal that gnetophytes are more closely related to conifers than to flowering plants.Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 96, 7342-7347.
07. Münster T, Pahnke J, Di Rosa A, Kim JT, Martin W, Saedler H, Theißen G (1997) Floral homeotic genes were recruited from homologous MADS-box genes preexisting in the common ancestor of ferns and seed plants. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 94, 2415-2420.
08. Theißen G, Kim J, Saedler H (1996) Classification and phylogeny of the MADS-box multigene family suggest defined roles of MADS-box gene subfamilies in the morphological evolution of eukaryotes. J Mol Evol 43, 484-516.
09. Fischer A, Saedler H, Theissen G (1995) Restriction fragment length polymorphismcoupled domain-directed differential display: a highly efficient technique for expression analysis of multigene families. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 92, 5331-5335.
10. Theißen G, Thelen L, Wagner R (1993) Some base substitutions in the leader of an E.coli ribosomal RNA operon affect the structure and function of ribosomes - evidence for a transient scaffold function of the rRNA leader. J Mol Biol 233, 203-218.


