
报告题目:Self-Incompatibility in Papaver: cell-cell interactions that involve a network of signaling events resulting in programmed cell death

报告人:Prof. Noni Franklin-Tong

     School of Biosciences, University of Birmingham

报告时间:2011年3月24日 10:00



Research interest:

Sexual plant reproduction in higher plants involves pollination, involving specific interactions between pollen and pistil. A key mechanism to prevent inbreeding is self-incompatibility (SI), which is a controlled by a single, multi-allelic S-locus. Incompatible (“self”) pollen is rejected and compatible (“non-self”) pollen is allowed to fertilize the plant.

Prof Franklin-Tong’s lab is investigated the signaling cascades, targets and mechanisms regulating pollen tube tip growth inhibition induced by SI in Papaver. The “self” interaction triggers a Ca2+-dependent signaling network, resulting in incompatible pollen tube tip growth being inhibited and programmed cell death being induced. The long-term goal is to establish how the different components integrate and interact in what has turned out to be a complex signaling network.

Selected Publications:

Poulter, N., Staiger, C., …and Fanklin-Tong, VE. (2010) Plant Physiol 152:1274-1283.

Wheeler, M., de Graaf, B., …and Franklin-Tong, VE. (2009) Nature 459, 992-995.

Poulter, N., Vatovec, S., and Franklin-Tong, VE. (2008) Plant Physiol 146, 1358-1367.

Bosch, M., and Franklin-Tong, VE. (2007) PNAS 104(46) 18327-18332.

Li, S., Samaj, J., and Franklin-Tong, VE. (2007) Plant Physiol 145, 236-245.

De Graaf, B., Rudd, J., …and Franklin-Tong, VE. (2006) Nature 444, 490-493

Thomas, S., Huang, S., Li, S., Staiger, C., and Franklin-Tong, VE. (2006) J Cell Biol 174, 221-229

Thomas, S., and Franklin-Tong, VE. (2004) Nature 429, 305-309.
