12月8日植物生物学论坛—123:Distinguishing photrotropic auxin redistribution from photomorphogenic processes

报告题目:Distinguishing photrotropic auxin redistribution from photomorphogenic processes

报 告 人:Professor Angus Murphy

      Horticulture Dept, Purdue University

报告时间: 12月8日 15:00-16:30  

报告地点: 实验楼报告厅

联 系 人: 程佑发  研究员(yfcheng@ibcas.ac.cn

Selected Publications:

1.  Hosein FN, Bandyopadyay A, Peer WA, Murphy AS (2010). The catalytic and protein-protein interaction domains are required for APM1 function. Plant  Physiology, 152: 2158-2172.

2.  Moore I and Murphy AS (2009). Validation of fluorescent protein fusions in endomembranes. Plant Cell 21:1632-1636.

3.  Peer WA, Hosein FN, Bandhyopadhyay A, Makam SN, Otegui M, Lee GJ, Blakeslee, JJ, Cheng Y, Titapiwatanakun B, Yakubov B, Bangari B, Murphy AS (2009). Mutation of the Membrane-Associated M1 Protease APM1 Results in Distinct Embryonic and Seedling Developmental Defects in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell, 21: 1693-1721.





