
  报告1Improving the genetics and quality of hop and barley, key raw materials in the production of beer 

  报告人:Associate Prof. Anthony Koutoulis, 

  Head of School of Biological Sciences 

  University of Tasmania, Tasmania, Australia.     

   报告2Domestication, adaptation and flowering in legumes 

  报告人:Associate Pro. James Weller,  

  Australian Research Council Future Fellow in Plant Genetics 

  University of Tasmania, Tasmania, Australia  

  报告时间:614 上午10:00 


  联 系 人: 景海春 研究员  


  Dr. Anthony Koutoulis: Head of School of Biological Sciences. Areas of interest include cell and molecular biology, plant biology, plant breeding, genetics and biotechnology, with a particular focus on hop and barley. Research in hop and barley is aimed to provide better biotechnological tools to these industries with the view of ensuring these industries remain internationally competitive. He has long established research links with industry and by working collaboratively with industry aims to make a difference in the real world. He has attracted research funding from various sources including the Australian Research Council, Horticulture Australia Limited, Grains Research and Development Corporation and Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research.     

  Dr Jim Weller is interested in how plants sense and respond to environmental factors of light and temperature, and the genetics of plants in the legume family. He completed his PhD at the University of Tasmania in 1996, and then spent five years as a postdoctoral researcher at RIKEN (Japan) and Wageningen University (Netherlands) before returning to the University of Tasmania as a faculty member in 2002. Since 2013 he has held an Australian Research Council Future Fellowship. Dr Weller's current work uses comparative approaches to understand the molecular physiology and evolution of flowering time control. He is also interested in the genetics of domestication in several legume crop species, including pea, lentil, chickpea and bean. 


