1986年在河南师范大学获学士学位,1993年在北京师范大学获硕士学位,2000年在中国科学院植物研究所获博士学位,1986-1989信阳师范学院 助教,1994中国科学院植物研究所 历任助理研究员、副研究员和研究员。1999年至2017年期间,先后在俄勒冈州立大学、密苏里植物园、英国皇家植物园邱园、韩国高丽大学、美国北卡州立大学及匈牙利科学院生态和植物研究所进行学术研究与合作。
8. 国家自然科学基金委面上项目“九死还魂草复合群物种形成与适应性进化”(32270248, 2023.01-2026.12),主持人
7. 北京市自然科学基金面上项目“基于群体基因组数据探讨卷柏科复苏植物的适应性进化”(5202019,2020.01-2022.12)
6. 国家自然科学基金委面上项目 “基于基因组证据探讨古生代起源的卷柏科植物的系统发育与多样性分化”(31770237, 2018.01-2021.12),主持人
5. 国家自然科学基金委面上项目 “重要森林植物冷杉属的系统发育和生物地理研究——兼论中国冷杉的分类、分布与亲缘关系”(31570545, 2016.01-2019.12),主持人
4. 国家自然科学基金委面上项目“网眼瓦韦复合体(蕨类植物)对青藏高原的适应机制—近交与多倍化”(31370260, 2014.01-2017.12),主持人
3. 国家自然科学基金委面上项目 “青藏高原网眼瓦韦-宽带蕨群植物的物种形成”(31070196, 2011.01-2013.12),主持人
2. 国家自然科学基金委面上项目“秦岭巴山地区与横断山地区冷杉属植物物种形成与分化的研究”(30870167, 2009.01-2011.12),主持人
1. 国家自然科学基金委面上项目“世界冷杉属的分子系统学与生物地理研究”(30170065, 2002.01-2004.12),主持人
Xiang Q.-P.*, Yang J., Gernandt D.S., Ye T.-X., Yang L., Pan J.-M., Xiang R.-C., Zhao C., Nakamura K., Zhang X.-C., Wei R.* (2025). Ecological and evolutionary factors contribute to the uneven diversification of firs in the Northern Hemisphere. J. Biogeogr. 52: 505-519.
Kang J.-S., Yu J.-G., Xiang Q.-P.*, Zhang X.-C.* (2024). The possible earliest allopolyploidization in tracheophytes revealed by phylotranscriptomics and morphology of Selaginellaceae. Mol. Biol. Evol. 41(8): msae153.
Nakamura K., Xiang Q.-P., Wen J., Lee E.S., Hong J., Kovtonyuk N., Kryukova M., Korchagina O., Koo K.A., Iwaizumi M.G., Lee B.Y., Kokubugata G., Zhang X.-C., Lebedev D.,Kwak M.* (2024). Circular genetic structure of the Abies nephrolepis species complex shaped by the circular landform of Northeast Asia. J. Biogeogr. 51: 1533–1548.
Yu J.-G.#, Tang J.-Y.#, Wei R., Lan M.-F., Xiang R.-C., Zhang X.-C.*, Xiang Q.-P.* (2023).The first homosporous lycophyte genome revealed the association between the recent dynamic accumulation of LTR-RTs and genome size variation. Plant Mol. Biol. 112: 325-340.
Zhang M.-H., Zhang X.-C., Shalimov A.-P., Shmakov A.-I., Xiang Q.-P.* (2023). Integrative species delimitation of the Selaginella sanguinolenta (Selaginellaceae) group with description of a new species, S. baodongii. Taxon. 72(6): 1228-1243.
杨玲#, 梁思琪#, 潘佳明, 韦金鑫, 丁涛, 蒋日红, 邵毅贞, 张宪春, 刘勇波*, 向巧萍*. (2023).濒危植物百山祖冷杉和资源冷杉的物种划分及其遗传资源的保护.植物生态学报.47(12): 1629-1645.
秦逸飞, 何小元, 向巧萍, 王士俊, 张宪春*. (2023). 石松类卷柏科地史时期和现代地理分布格局的形成. 西北植物学报. 43(12): 2110-2117.
Xiang Q.-P., Tang J.-Y., Yu J.-G., Smith D., Zhu Y.-M., Wang Y.-R., Kang J.-S., Yang J., Zhang X.-C.* (2022). The evolution of extremely diverged plastomes in Selaginellaceae (lycophyte) is driven by repeat patterns and the underlying DNA maintenance machinery. Plant J. 111: 768–784.
Zhang M.-H., Xiang Q.-P.*, Zhang X.-C.* (2022). Plastid phylogenomic analyses of the Selaginella sanguinolenta group (Selaginellaceae) reveal conflict signatures resulting from sequence types, outlier genes, and pervasive RNA editing. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 173: 107507.
Tang J.-Y., Wei R., Zhang X.-C.*, Xiang Q.-P.* (2022). Mitogenome-based phylogenomics provides insights into the positions of the enigmatic sinensisgroup and the sanguinolenta group in Selaginellaceae (Lycophyte).Mol. Phylogenet. Evol.179: 107673.
Kang J.-S., Yu J.-G., Zhang X.-C., Xiang Q.-P.* (2022). The associated evolution among the extensive RNA editing, GC-biased mutation, and PPR family expansion in the organelle genomes of Selaginellaceae. J. Syst. Evol. 61: 890-905.
Chen S.-S., Wang T., Shu J.-P., Xiang Q.-P., Yang T., Zhang X.-C.*, Yan Y.-H.* (2022). Plastid phylogenomics and plastomic diversity of the extant lycophytes.Genes.13(7): 1280
Zhang M.-H., Wei R., Xiang Q.-P., Ebihara A., Zhang X.-C.* (2021).Integrative taxonomy of the Selaginella helvetica group based on morphological, molecular and ecological data.Taxon. 70: 1163-1187.
Wei R., Cun-Feng Zhao, Xiang Q.-P., Zhang X.-C.* (2021). Ellipinema and ×Ellipisorus? just Lepisorus (Polypodiaceae)! Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 161:107176.
Kang J.-S., Zhang H.-R., Wang Y.-R., Liang S.-Q., Mao Z.-Y., Zhang X.-C., Xiang Q.-P.* (2020). Distinctive evolutionary pattern of organelle genomes linked to the nuclear genome in Selaginellaceae. Plant J. 104: 1657–1672.
Zhao C.-F. #, Wei R.#, Zhang X.-C.*, Xiang Q.-P.* (2020). Backbone phylogeny of Lepisorus (Polypodiaceae) and a novel infrageneric classification based on the total evidence from plastid and morphological data. Cladistics. 36: 235–258.
Zhao C.-F., Wei R., Zhang X.-C.*, Xiang Q.-P.* (2020). The origin of allotetraploid Lepisorus inaequibasis (Polypodiaceae) and paternal bias in its morphology and abiotic niche. Taxon. 69: 43–55.
Shao Y.-Z., Chen Y., Zhang X.-C., Xiang Q.-P.* (2020). Species delimitation and phylogeography of Abies delavayi complex: inferred from morphological, molecular and climatic data. J. Syst. Evol. 58: 234–246.
Zhang H.-R., Wei R., Xiang Q.-P.,Zhang X.-C.*(2020).Plastome-based phylogenomics resolves the placement of the sanguinolenta group in the spikemoss of lycophyte (Selaginellaceae).Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 147:106788.
Zhang H.-R., Xiang Q.-P.*, Zhang X.-C.* (2019). The unique evolutionary trajectory and dynamic conformations of DR and IR/DR-coexisting plastomes of the early vascular plant Selaginellaceae (Lycophyte). Genome Biol. Evol. 11: 1258–1274.
Zhang H.-R., Zhang X.-C., Xiang Q.-P.* (2019). Directed repeats co-occur with few short-dispersed repeats in plastid genome of a spikemoss, Selaginella vardei (Selaginellaceae, Lycopodiopsida). BMC Genomics. 20: 484.
Xiang Q.-P., Wei R., Zhu Y.-M., Harris A.J., Zhang X.-C.*. (2018). New infrageneric classification of Abies in light of molecular phylogeny and high diversity in western North America. J. Syst. Evol. 56: 401–572.
He L.-J., Schneider H., Hovenkamp P., Marquardt J., Wei R., Wei X.-P., Zhang X.-C.*, Xiang Q.-P.* (2018). A molecular phylogeny of selligueoid ferns (Polypodiaceae): Implications for a natural delimitation despite homoplasy and rapid radiation. Taxon. 67: 237–249.
Wei R., Yan Y.-H., Harris A.J., Kang J.-S., Shen H., Xiang Q.-P.*, Zhang X.-C. (2017). Plastid phylogenomics resolve deep relationships among Eupolypod II ferns with rapid radiation and rate heterogeneity. Genome Biol. Evol.9: 1646–1657.
Shao Y.-Z., Zhang X.-C., Phan L.K., Xiang Q.-P.* (2017). Elevation shift in Abies Mill. (Pinaceae) of subtropical and temperate China and Vietnam—corroborative evidence from cytoplasmic DNA and ecological niche modeling. Front. Plant Sci. 8: 578.
Zhao C.-F., Kwak M., Xiang Q.-P.* (2016). Isolation and characterization of microsatellite markers in the Lepisorus clathratus complex (Polypodiaceae). Appl. Plant Sci. 4: 1–3.
Xiang Q.-P.*, Wei R., Shao Y.-Z., Yang Z.-Y., Wang X.-Q., Zhang X.-C. (2015). Phylogenetic relationships, possible ancient hybridization, and biogeographic history of Abies (Pinaceae) based on data from nuclear, plastid, and mitochondrial genomes. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 82: 1–14.
Shao Y.-Z., Xiang Q.-P.* (2015). Species delimitation and phylogeography of Abies chensiensis complex: inferred from morphological and molecular data. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 177: 175–188.
Wei R., Xiang Q.-P., Schneider H., Sundue M.A., Kessler M., Kamau P.W., Hidayat A., Zhang X.-C.* (2015). Eurasian origin, boreotropical migration and transoceanic dispersal in the pantropical fern genus Diplazium (Athyriaceae). J. Biogeogr. 42: 1809–1819.
Shao Y.-Z., Wei R., Zhang X.-C., Xiang Q.-P.* (2015). Molecular phylogeny of the cliff ferns (Woodsiaceae: Polypodiales) with a proposed infrageneric classification. PLoSOne. 10: e0136318.
Wang L., Schneider H., Zhang X.-C., Xiang Q.-P.* (2012). The rise of the Himalaya enforced the diversification of SE Asian ferns by altering the monsoon regimes. BMCPlantBiol. 12: 210.
Wang L., Schneider H., Wu Z.-Q., He L.-J., Zhang X.-C., Xiang Q.-P.* (2012). Indehiscent sporangia enable the accumulation of local fern diversity at the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. BMCEvolutionaryBiol. 12:158.
Wang L.*, Wu Z.-Q.*, Bystriakova N., Ansell S.W., Xiang Q.-P., Heinrichs J., Schneider H*, Zhang X.-C.* (2011). Phylogeography of the Sino-Himalayan Fern Lepisorus clathratus on ‘‘The Roof of the World’’. PLoS One. 6(9): e25896.
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Zhang X.-C.*, Xiang Q.-P., Nooteboom H.P. (2005). A new species of Selaginella from Hainan Island, China, with a key to the Hainan species. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 148(3): 323-327.
Xiang Q.-P., Li J.-H. (2005). Derivation of Xanthocyparis and Juniperus from within Cupressus: Evidence from sequences of nr DNA internal transcribed spacer region. Harvard Papers in Botany. 9(2): 375-382.
Li J.-H., Xiang Q.-P.* (2005). Phylogeny and biogeography of Thuja L. (Cupressaceae), an eastern Asian and North American disjunct genus. J. Integr. Plant Biol. 47(6): 651-659.
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