Seasonal dynamics in resource partitioning to growth and storage in response to drought in a perennial rhizomatous grass, Leymus chinensis

作  者:Wang RZ, Chen L, Bai YG, Xiao CM
刊物名称:Journal of Plant Growth Regulation
卷:27  期:1  页码:39-48


A natural grassland in northeastern China dominated by Leymus chinensis (Trin.) was subject to drought treatments to determine the seasonal dynamics in resource partitioning to shoot and storage organs in response to drought. The growing season was divided into six stages according to the phenology of L. chinensis. Plant samples of L. chinensis were collected at each stage to determine biomass, gross calorific value, relative water content, and key mineral contents of plant parts, including rhizomes, roots, leaves, and stems. Resource partitioning to shoot and storage organs as measured by biomass, gross calorific value, and N, K+, and Na+ contents varied significantly among phenologic stages. Drought treatment (natural precipitation, 50-60 % of field capacity) significantly reduced biomass, gross calorific value, relative water content of shoot, and N and K+ contents in both shoot and storage organs, but it enhanced rhizome : shoot ratio and Na+ content. A negative correlation in biomass, gross calorific value, and K+ and Na+ contents between shoot and storage organs was found throughout the growing season, which may have been accentuated by drought when soil moisture was limited. Our results indicate that resource partitioning to storage plays an important role in regulating plant growth of L. chinensis, especially under drought conditions.