The discovery of fertile Haskinsia colophylla (Haskinsiaceae) in far East Russia

作  者:Yang N, Edwards D, Ablaev A, Li CS
卷:57  期:2  页码:588-593


Fossilized leafy shoots from South Primorye, Far East Russia, originally described as Pseudolepidodendron igrischense Ananiev 1974 by Zimina (1991), are here identified as Haskinsia colophylla Grierson & Banks 1983. The leaves in our new specimens are slightly smaller than in the North American type material. A single specimen with a sporangium casts insights on the fertile nature of this species. The nearly globose sporangium covers the central region of the lamina of an unmodified sporophyll although the exact position of insertion on the adaxial surface is unknown. The sporangium is distinguished from that in H. sagittata Edwards & Benedetto 1985 in that the latter species has ellipsoidal/obovoid sporangia. The South Primoryan strata were regarded to be of Late Devonian to Early Carboniferous age. However, since North American Haskinsia colophylla is from Early to Late Devonian, the Russian specimens may occur in older strata than previously thought.