Density dependence is prevalent in a heterogeneous subtropical forest

作  者:Zhu Y, Mi XC, Ren HB, Ma KP
卷:119  期:1  页码:109-119


Although negative conspecific density dependence among neighbours is widely studied, the general prevalence of the effects is still poorly understood due to a lack of studies from zonal forests other than the tropics. In addition, the detection of density dependence may be confounded by the influence of habitat heterogeneity. Here we examined the spatial distributions of 47 common tree species (diameter at breast height >= 1 cm) using the pair-correlation function g(r) in a fully mapped 24-ha subtropical forest in China. We first investigated whether habitat heterogeneity influenced tree distributions, and then examined the conspecific tree patterns and density dependence after removing the effects of habitat heterogeneity. We found that the forest plot exhibited strong large-scale heterogeneity in the distribution of both large adult trees of different growth forms and individual species. After the habitat heterogeneity was accounted for, 39 of the 47 species (83.0%) were found to exhibit density dependence predominantly at close distances among neighbors. Our findings highlight density dependence as a prevalent mechanism for regulating the population spatial structure of most tree species in the species-rich subtropical forest studied here. Furthermore, the occurrence of density dependence is closely associated with species abundance and the strength of conspecific aggregation at local scales. Abundant species with high strength of conspecific aggregation tend to show density dependence.
