Early Paleocene vegetation and climate in Jiayin, NE China

作  者:Hao H, Ferguson DK, Feng GP, Ablaev A, Wang YF, Li CS
刊物名称:Climatic Change
卷:99  期:3-4  页码:547-566


 The pollen and spores of the Wuyun Formation (Danian, Early Paleocene) from Jiayin County, Heilongjiang Province, Northeast China, are studied in this paper. The Danian vegetation at Wuyun was composed of mixed temperate and subtropical broad-leaved forest, with an admixture of conifers. The climatic parameters, obtained by the Coexistence Approach based on the palynological and megafossil data, are Mean Annual Temperature of 14.8-16.8A degrees C, Mean Annual Precipitation of 815.8-1,571.8 mm. Combining other climatic parameters in the Tertiary, we obtained the latitudinal temperature gradients: 0.24 in Paleocene, 0.1 in Eocene, 0.45 in Miocene and 0.55 in Pliocene, in the area of East Asia. All these values and modern latitudinal gradient of 0.7 suggest a climatic transition from Paleocene to today: the temperature at higher latitudes first increased then decreased gradually during last 65 Ma, while it changed slightly in lower latitudes.