OsDOG,a gibberellin-induced A20/AN1 zinc-finger protein,negatively regulates gibberellin-mediated cell elongation in rice

作  者:Liu YJ, Xu YY, Xiao J, Ma QB, Li D, Xue Z, Chong K
刊物名称:Journal of Plant Physiology
卷:  期:  页码:doi:10.1016/j.jplph.2010.12.013


 The A20/AN1 zinc-finger proteins (ZFPs) play pivotal roles in animal immune responses and plant stress responses. From previous gibberellin(GA) microarray data and A20/AN1 ZFP family member association, wechose Oryza sativa dwarf rice with overexpression of gibberellin-induced gene (OsDOG) toexamine its function in the GA pathway. OsDOG was induced by gibberellic acid(GA3) and repressed by the GA-synthesis inhibit orpaclobutrazol. Different transgenic lines with constitutive expression of OsDOG showed dwarf phenol types due to deficiency of cell elongation. Additional GA1 and real-time PCR quantitative assay analyses confirmed that the decrease of GA1 in the over expression lines resulted from reduced expression of GA3ox2 and enhanced expression of GA2ox1 and GA2ox3. Add in gexogenousGA rescued the constitutive expression phenotypes of the transgenic lines. OsDOG has a novel function in regulating GA homeostasis and in negative maintenance of plant cell elongation in rice