Cold signaling in plants: Insights into mechanisms and regulation

作  者:Guo XY, Liu DF, Chong K*
刊物名称:Journal of Integrative Plant Biology
卷:60  期:9  页码:745-756


To survive under cold temperatures plants must be able to perceive a cold signal and transduce it into downstream components that induce appropriate defense mechanisms. In addition to inducing adaptive defenses, such as the production of osmotic factors to prevent freezing and the reprogramming of transcriptional pathways, cold temperatures induce changes in plant growth and development which can affect the plant life cycle. In this review, we summarize recent progress in characterizing coldrelated genes and the pathways that allow transduction of the cold signal in plants, focusing primarily on studies in Arabidopsis thaliana and rice (Oryza sativa). We summarize cold perception and signal transduction from the plasma membrane to the nucleus, which involves cold sensors, calcium signals, calciumbinding proteins, mitogenactivated protein kinase cascades, and the Crepeat binding factor/dehydrationresponsive element binding pathways, as well as trehalose metabolism. Finally, we describe the balance between plant organogenesis and cold tolerance mechanisms in rice. This review encapsulates the known cold signaling factors in plants and provides perspectives for ongoing cold signaling research.
