Climate warming alters subsoil but not topsoil carbon dynamics in alpine grassland

作  者:Jia J, Cao ZJ, Liu CZ, Zhang ZH, Lin L, Wang YY, Haghipour N, Wacker L, Bao HY, Dittmar T, Simpson MJ, Yang H, Crowther TW, Eglinton TI, He JS*, Feng XJ*
刊物名称:Global Change Biology
卷:  期:  页码:DOI: 10.1111/gcb.14823


Subsoil contains more than half of soil organic carbon (SOC) globally and is conventionally assumed to be relatively unresponsive to warming compared to the topsoil. Here we show substantial changes in carbon allocation and dynamics of the subsoil but not topsoil in the QinghaiTibetan alpine grasslands over 5 years of warming. Specifically, warming enhanced the accumulation of newly synthesized (14Cenriched) carbon in the subsoil slowcycling pool (siltclay fraction) but promoted the decomposition of plantderived lignin in the fastcycling pool (macroaggregates). These changes mirrored an accumulation of lipids and sugars at the expense of lignin in the warmed bulk subsoil, likely associated with shortened soil freezing period and a deepening root system. As warming is accompanied by deepening roots in a wide range of ecosystems, rootdriven accrual of slowcycling pool may represent an important and overlooked mechanism for a potential longterm carbon sink at depth. Moreover, given the contrasting sensitivity of SOC dynamics at varied depths, warming studies focusing only on surface soils may vastly misrepresent shifts in ecosystem carbon storage under climate change.
