论文题目 第一作者 发表年度 刊物名称
A tetratricopeptide repeat domain-containing protein SSR1 located in mitochondria is involved in root development and auxin polar transport in Arabidopsis Zhang M*, Wang CP, Lin QF, Liu AH, Wang T, Feng XJ, Liu J, Han HL, Ma Y, Bonea D, Zhao RM, Hua XJ* 2015 The Plant Journal
TANG1, Encoding a Symplekin_C Domain-Contained Protein, Influences Sugar Responses in Arabidopsis Zheng LY*, Shang L, Chen X, Zhang LM, Xia Yan, Smith C, Bevan MW, Li YH, Jing HC* 2015 Plant Physiology
Arabidopsis NIP3;1 Plays an Important Role in Arsenic Uptake and Root-to-Shoot Translocation under Arsenite Stress Conditions Xu WZ, Dai WT, Yan HL, Li S, Shen HL, Chen YS, Xu H, Sun YY, He ZY, Ma M* 2015 Molecular Plant
Regional-scale patterns of soil microbes and nematodes across grasslands on the Mongolian plateau: relationships with climate, soil, and plants Chen D, Cheng JH, Chu PF, Hu SJ, Xie YC, Tuvshintogtokh I, Bai YF* 2015 Ecography
Methods to isolate a large amount of generative cells, sperm cells and vegetative nuclei from tomato pollen for "omics" analysis Lu YL, Wei LQ, Wang T* 2015 Frontiers in Plant Science
Sequence and expression variations suggest an adaptive role for the DA1-like gene family in the evolution of soybeans Zhao M, Gu YZ, He LL, Chen QS, He CY* 2015 BMC Plant Biology
Assessment of flavonoids and volatile compounds in tea infusions of water lily flowers and their antioxidant activities Yin DD, Yuan RY, Wu Q, Li SS, Shao S, Xu Y J, Hao XH, Wang LS* 2015 Food Chemistry
Resveratrol synthesis under natural conditions and after UV-C irradiation in berry skin is associated with berry development stages in 'Beihong' (V. vinifera x V. amurensis) Wang JF, Ma L, Xi HF, Wang LJ*, Li SH* 2015 Food Chemistry
OsKinesin-13A Is an Active Microtubule Depolymerase Involved in Glume Length Regulation via Affecting Cell Elongation Deng ZY, Liu LT, Li T, Yan S, Kuang BJ, Huang SJ, Yan CJ*, Wang T* 2015 Scientific Reports
ycf1, the most promising plastid DNA barcode of land plants Dong WP, Xu C, Li CH, Sun JH, Zuo YJ, Shi S, Cheng T, Guo JJ, Zhou SL* 2015 Scientific Reports
Seasonal spatial heterogeneity of warming rates on the Tibetan Plateau over the past 30 years Duan JP*, Li L, Fang YJ 2015 Scientific Reports
The stage-classified matrix models project a significant increase in biomass carbon stocks in China's forests between 2005 and 2050 Hu HF, Wang SP, Guo ZD, Xu B, Fang JY* 2015 Scientific Reports
Mobile dune fixation by a fast-growing clonal plant: a full life-cycle analysis Li SL*, Yu FH, Werger MJA, Dong M*, During HJ, Zuidema PA 2015 Scientific Reports
Systematic qualitative and quantitative assessment of fatty acids in the seeds of 60 tree peony (Paeonia section Moutan DC.) cultivars by GC-MS Li SS, Yuan RY, Chen LG, Wang LS*, Hao XH*, Wang LJ, Zheng XC, Du H 2015 Food Chemistry
PHOTOSYNTHESIS Structural basis for energy transfer pathways in the plant PSI-LHCI supercomplex Qin XC, Suga M, Kuang TY*, Shen JR* 2015 Science
Reticulate evolution and sea-level fluctuations together drove species diversification of slipper orchids (Paphiopedilum) in South-East Asia Guo YY, Luo YB, Liu ZJ, Wang XQ* 2015 Molecular Ecology
Early Miocene elevation in northern Tibet estimated by palaeobotanical evidence Sun B, Wang YF*, Li CS*, Yang J, Li JF, Li YL, Deng T, Wang SQ, Zhao M, Spicer RA, Ferguson DK. Mehrotra RC 2015 Scientific Reports
Asymmetric warming significantly affects net primary production,but no ecosystem carbon balances of forest and grassland ecosystmes in northern China Su HX, Feng JC, Axmacher JC, Sang WG* 2015 Scientific Reports
Conspecific and phylogenetic density-dependent survival differs across life stages in a tropical forest Zhu Y, Comita LS, Hubbell SP, Ma KP* 2015 Journal of Ecology
Precipitation modifies the effects of warming and nitrogen addition on soil microbial communities in northern Chinese grasslands Zhang NL, Wan SQ, Guo JX, Han GD,Gutknecht J, Schmid B, Liang Yu L, Liu WX, Bi J, Wang Z, Ma KP* 2015 Soil Biology and Biochemistry
Phylogenetic constraints and trait correlates of flowering phenology in the angiosperm flora of China Du YJ, Mao LF, Queenborough AS, Freckleton PR, Chen B,Ma KP* 2015 GLOBAL ECOLOGY AND BIOGEOGRAPHY
Brassinosteroids are involved in Fe homeostasis in rice (Oryza sativa L.) Wang BL, Li G, Zhang WH* 2015 Journal of Experimental Botany
Nitrogen addition and mowing affect microbial nitrogen transformations in a C4 grassland in northern China Wang C, Butterbach-Bahl K, He N, Wang Q, Xing X, Han X* 2015 European Journal of Soil Science
Lidar with multi-temporal MODIS provide a means to upscale predictions of forest biomass Li L, Guo QH*, Tao SL, Kelly MG, Xu GC 2015 ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
Transcriptional regulation of the paper mulberry under cold stress as revealed by a comprehensive analysis of transcription factors Peng XJ, Wu QQ, Teng LH, Tang F, Pi Z, Shen SH* 2015 BMC Plant Biology
Effects of rainfall pattern on the growth and fecundity of a dominant dune annual in a semi-arid ecosystem Gao RR, Yang XJ, Liu GF, Huang ZY*, Walck JL 2015 Plant and Soil
Roles of ubiquitination-mediated protein degradation in plant responses to abiotic stresses Zhang ZY,Li JH, Liu HH, Chong K, Xu YY* 2015 Environmental and Experimental Botany
A proteomic analysis of rice seed germination as affected by high temperature and ABA treatment Liu SJ, Xu HH, Wang WQ, Li N, Wang WP, Moller IM, Song SQ* 2015 Physiologia Plantarum
Evaluation of Four Commonly Used DNA Barcoding Loci for Chinese Medicinal Plants of the Family Schisandraceae Zhang J, Chen M, Dong XY, Lin RZ, Fan JH, Chen ZD* 2015 Plos One
Soil moisture and land use are major determinants of soil microbial community composition and biomass at a regional scale in northeastern China Ma L, Guo C, Lu X, Yuan S, Wang R* 2015 Biogeosciences