论文题目 第一作者 发表年度 刊物名称
UV Radiation-Responsive Proteins in Rice Leaves: A Proteomic Analysis Du, HM, Liang, Y, Pei, KQ, Ma, KP 2011 Plant and Cell Physiology
Rapid top-down regulation of plant C:N:P stoichiometry by grasshoppers in an Inner Mongolia grassland ecosystem Zhang GM,Han XG,James J. Elser 2011 Oecologia
Stoichiometric homeostasis of vascular plants in the Inner Mongolia grassland Yu Q,James J. Elser,He NP,Wu HH,Chen QS,Zhang Guangming,Han XG 2011 Oecologia
Distinct niche divergence characterizes the homoploid hybrid speciation of Pinus densata on the Tibetan Plateau Mao JF, Wang XR 2011 The American Naturalist
Systemic regulation of leaf anatomical structure, photosynthetic performance and high light tolerance in sorghum Jiang CD, Wang X, Gao Y, Shi L, Chow WS 2011 Plant physiology
Permian-Triassic land-plant diversity in South China: Was there a mass extinction at the Permian/Triassic boundary? Xiong CH, Wang Q 2011 Paleobiology
UV Radiation-Responsive Proteins in Rice Leaves: A Proteomic Analysis Du HM, Liang Y, Pei KQ, Ma KP 2011 Plant and Cell Physiology
Cuscuta australis restrains three exotic invasive plants and benefits native species Yu H, Liu JA He WM, Miao SL, Dong M 2011 Biological Invasions
Responses of photosynthetic capacity to soil moisture gradient in perennial rhizome grass and perennial bunchgrass - art. no. 21 Xu ZZ, Zhou GS 2011 Bmc Plant Biology
Reproductive isolation and pollination success of rewarding Galearis diantha and non-rewarding Ponerorchis chusua (Orchidaceae) Sun HQ, Huang BQ, Yu XH, Kou Y, An DJ, Luo YB, Ge S 2011 Annals of Botany
Nitrogen and water addition reduce leaf longevity of steppe species Ren HY, Xu ZW, Huang JH, Clark C, Chen SP, Han XG 2011 Annals of Botany
Water-use efficiency in response to climate change: from leaf to ecosystem in a temperate steppe Niu SL, Xing XR, Zhang Z, Xia JY, Zhou XH, Song B, Li LH, Wan SQ 2011 Global Change Biology
Characteristics and modeling of evapotranspiration over a temperate desert steppe in Inner Mongolia, China Yang FL, Zhou GS 2011 Journal of Hydrology
Foliar application of chitosan activates artemisinin biosynthesis in Artemisia annua L. Lei CY, Ma DM, Pu GB, Qiu XF, Du ZG, Wang,H, Li GF, Ye HC, Liu BY 2011 Industrial Crops and Products
Comptonia naumannii (Myricaceae) from the early Miocene of Weichang, China, and the palaeobiogeographical implication of the genus Liang XQ, Wilde V Ferguson, DK Kvacek, Z, Ablaev AG, Wang YF, Li CS 2010 Review of Palaeobotany And Palynology
Ectopic expression of TrPI, a Taihangia rupestris (Rosaceae) PI ortholog, causes modifications of vegetative architecture in Arabidopsis Lu SH, Fan YL, Liu LK, Liu SJ, Zhang WH, Meng Z 2010 Journal of Plant Physiology
Nitrogen deposition mediates the effects and importance of chance in changing biodiversity Zhang, XM , Liu, W, Bai, YF, Zhang, GM, Han, XG 2011 Molecular Ecology
Partial mechanical stimulation facilitates the growth of the rhizomatous plant Leymus secalinus: modulation by clonal integration Sui, Y, He, W, Pan, X, Dong, M 2011 Annals of Botany
Dynamic proteomic analysis reveals diurnal homeostasis of key pathways in rice leaves Wang, ZZ , Wang, T 2011 Proteomics
Mutation of Rice BC12/GDD1, Which Encodes a Kinesin-Like Protein That Binds to a GA Biosynthesis Gene Promoter,Leads to Dwarfism with Impaired Cell Elongation Li J,Jiang JF,Qian Q,Xu YY,Zhang C,Xiao J,Du C,Luo W,Zou GX,Chen ML,Huang YQ, Feng YQ, Cheng ZK,Yuan M and Chong K 2011 The Plant Cell
OsDOG,a gibberellin-induced A20/AN1 zinc-finger protein,negatively regulates gibberellin-mediated cell elongation in rice Liu YJ, Xu YY, Xiao J, Ma QB, Li D, Xue Z, Chong K 2011 Journal of Plant Physiology
Phylogenetic placements of Calathodes and Megaleranthis (Ranunculaceae): Evidence from molecular and morphological data Wang W, Hu H, Xiang XG, Yu SX, Chen ZD 2010 Taxon
Antifungal Activity and Possible Mode of Action of Borate Against Colletotrichum gloeosporioides on Mango Shi XQ, Li BQ, Qin GZ, Tian SP 2011 Plant Disease
Biogeographical variation in the diet of Holarctic martens (genus Martes, Mammalia: Carnivora: Mustelidae): adaptive foraging in generalists Zhou YB, Newman C, Xu WT, Buesching CD, Zalewski A Kaneko Y, Macdonald DW, Xie ZQ 2011 Journal of Biogeography
Characterization of photosystem II photochemistry in transgenic tobacco plants with lowered Rubisco activase content Cai B, Zhang AH, Yang ZP, Lu QT, Wen XG, Lu CM 2010
The photosensitive phs1 mutant is impaired in the riboflavin biogenesis pathway Ouyang M, Ma JF, Zou,MJ, Guo JK, Wang LY, Lu CM, Zhang LX 2010 Journal of Plant Physiology
Community structure and composition in response to climate change in a temperate steppe Yang HJ, Wu MY, Liu WX, Zhang Z, Zhang NL, Wan SQ 2011 Global Change Biology
The effects of salinity and osmotic stress on barley germination rate: sodium as an osmotic regulator Zhang HX, Irving LJ, McGill C, Matthew C, Zhou DW, Kemp P 2010 Annals of Botany
UV Radiation Responsive Proteins in Rice Leaves: a Proteomic Analysiss Du H, Liang Y, Pei K, Ma K Plant and Cell Physiology
Arabidopsis FIMBRIN5, an actin bundling factor, is required for pollen germination and pollen tube growth Youjun Wu、Jin Yan、Ruihui Zhang、Xiaolu Qu、Sulin Ren、Naizhi Chen、Shanjin Huang 2010 The Plant Cell