The differential proteome of endosperm and embryo from mature seed of Jatropha curcas

作  者:Liu Hui、Yang Zhenle、Yang Mingfeng、Shen Shihua
刊物名称:Plant Science
卷:181  期:6  页码:660-666


     Jatrpha curcas L., a non-model woody plant belonging to Euphorbiaceae family, is a promising economic plant due to the high oil content in seed and high tolerance to drought and salt stress. The embryo and endosperm of J. curcas seed differ in morphology, function and ploidy. To characterize the protein profiles of these two tissues, we have performed proteomic analysis with the dry mature J. curcas seeds. The data showed that the 2-DE profiles of endosperm and embryo were similar to each other. There are 66 differential proteins between the two seed tissues, in which 28 proteins distributed in 9 distinct functional classes, have been identified successfully in endosperm or embryo. The major groups of differential proteins are associated with metabolism (25%) and disease/defence (18%). Our results demonstrated that in the dry mature J. curcas seeds, the proteins involved in oil mobilization, signal transduction, transcription, protein synthesis, and cell cycle which are essential for the seed germination have occurred in endosperm and embryo, reflecting the fact that proteins required for germination are already present in the dry mature seed.