"Medieval Warm Period" on the northern slope of central Tianshan Mountains, Xinjiang, NW China - art. no. L11702 |
Zhang Y, Kong ZC, Yan S, Yang ZJ, Ni J |
2009 |
Geophysical Research Letters |
AtECB2, a Pentatricopeptide Repeat Protein, is Required for Chloroplast Transcript accD RNA Editing and Early Chloroplast Biogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana |
Yu QB, Jiang Y, Chong K, Yang ZN |
2009 |
Plant Journal |
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi reduce effects of physiological integration in Trifolium repens |
Du J, Yu FH, Alpert P, Dong M |
2009 |
Annals of Botany |
Reproductive success of non-rewarding Cypripedium japonicum benefits from low spatial dispersion pattern and asynchronous flowering? |
Sun HQ, Cheng J, Zhang FM, Luo YB, Ge S |
Annals of Botany? |
Species-habitat associations change in a subtropical forest of China? |
Lai JS, Mi XC, Ren HB, Ma KP |
Journal of Vegetation Science? |
Nitric oxide modulates the influx of extracellular Ca2+ and actin filament organization during cell wall construction in Pinus bungeana pollen tubes? |
Wang YH, Chen T, Zhang CY, Hao HQ, Liu P, Zheng MZ, Baluska F, Samaj J, Lin JX |
New Phytologist? |
Oxidative Damage of Mitochondrial Proteins Contributes to Fruit Senescence: A Redox Proteomics Analysis? |
Qin GZ, Meng XH, Wang Q, Tian SP |
Journal of Proteome Research? |
Response of ecosystem carbon exchange to warming and nitrogen addition during two hydrologically contrasting growing seasons in a temperate steppe? |
Xia JY, Niu SL, Wan SQ |
Global Change Biology? |
The expression of caffeic acid 3-O-methyltransferase in two wheat genotypes differing in lodging resistance? |
Ma QH |
Journal of Experimental Botany? |
Empirical assessment of the reproductive fitness components of the hybrid pine Pinus densata on the Tibetan Plateau? |
Mao JF, Li Y, Wang XR |
Evolutionary Ecology? |
Identification of a Polygonum cuspidatum three-intron gene encoding a type III polyketide synthase producing both naringenin and p-hydroxybenzalacetone? |
Ma LQ, Guo YW, Gao DY, Ma DM, Wang YN, Li GF, Liu BY, Wang H ,Ye HC |
Planta? |
Physical injury stimulates aerobic methane emissions from terrestrial plants? |
Wang ZP, Gulledge J, Zheng JQ, Liu W, Li LH, Han XG |
Biogeosciences? |
Enhanced Tolerance to Chilling Stress in OsMYB3R-2 Transgenic Rice Is Mediated by Alteration in Cell Cycle and Ectopic Expression of Stress Genes? |
Ma QB, Dai XY, Xu YY, Guo J, Liu YJ, Chen, N, Xiao J, Zhang DJ, Xu ZH, Zhang XS, Chong K |
Plant Physiology? |
Phylogeny and classification of Ranunculales: Evidence from four molecular loci and morphological data? |
Wang W, Lu AM, Ren Y, Endress ME, Chen ZD |
Perspectives in Plant Ecology Evolution and Systematics? |
Calmodulin Binds to Extracellular Sites on the Plasma Membrane of Plant Cells and Elicits a Rise in Intracellular Calcium Concentration? |
Wang QL, Chen B, Liu P, Zheng MZ, Wang YQ, Cui SJ, Sun DY, Fang XH, Liu CM, Lucas WJ, Lin JX |
Journal of Biological Chemistry? |
Multiresidue determination of tetracycline antibiotics in propolis by using HPLC-UV detection with ultrasonic-assisted extraction and two-step solid phase extraction? |
Zhou JH, Xue XF, Li Y, Zhang JZ, Chen F, Wu LM, Chen LZ, Zhao J |
Food Chemistry? |
Integrated diurnal soil respiration model during growing season of a typical temperate steppe: Effects of temperature, soil water content and biomass production? |
Jia BR, Zhou GS |
Soil Biology & Biochemistry? |
Effects of prescribed burning and seasonal and interannual climate variation on nitrogen mineralization in a typical steppe in Inner Mongolia? |
Zhou LS, Huang JH, Lu FM, Han XG |
Soil Biology & Biochemistry? |
China's grazed temperate grasslands are a net source of atmospheric methane? |
Wang ZP, Song Y,Gulledge J,Yu Q, Liu HS, Han XG |
Atmospheric Environment? |
Nitric oxide modulates the influx of extracellular Ca2+ and actin filament organization during cell wall construction in Pinus bungeana pollen tubes? |
Wang Y, Chen T, Zhang C, Hao H, Liu P, Zheng M, Baluska F, Samaj J, Lin J |
New Phytologist? |
Simultaneous determination of seven fluoroquinolones in royal jelly by ultrasonic-assisted extraction and liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection? |
Zhou JH, Xue XF, Chen F, Zhang JZ, Li Y, Wu LM, Chen LZ, Zhao J |
Journal of Separation Science? |
Climate and ecosystem N-15 natural abundance along a transect of Inner Mongolian grasslands: Contrasting regional patterns and global patterns - art. no. GB2005? |
Cheng WX, Chen QS, Xu YQ, Han XG, Li LH |
Global Biogeochemical Cycles? |
Clonal integration supports the expansion from terrestrial to aquatic environments of the amphibious stoloniferous herb Alternanthera philoxeroides? |
Wang N, Yu FH, Li PX, He WM, Liu J, Yu GL, Song YB, Dong M |
Plant Biology? |
Impact of proximity to a pathway on orchid pollination success in Huanglong National Park, South-West China? |
Huang BQ , Sun YN, Yu XH, Luo YB, Hutchings MJ, Tang SY |
Biological Conservation? |
Changes in physiology and quality of peach fruits treated by methyl jasmonate under low temperature stress? |
Meng XH, Han J, Wang Q, Tian SP |
Food Chemistry? |
Reproductive success of non-rewarding Cypripedium japonicum benefits from low spatial dispersion pattern and asynchronous flowering? |
Sun HQ, Cheng J, Zhang FM, Luo YB, Ge S |
Annals of Botany? |
Proteomic Analysis of Oil Mobilization in Seed Germination and Postgermination Development of Jatropha curcas? |
Yang, MF, Liu, YJ, Liu, Y, Chen, H, Chen, F, Shen, SH |
Journal of Proteome Research? |
Novel weapons and invasion: biogeographic differences in the competitive effects of Centaurea maculosa and its root exudate (+/-)-catechin? |
He WM, Feng YL, Ridenour WM, Thelen GC, Pollock JL, Diaconu A Callaway RM |
Oecologia? |
Phosphorylation Modification of Wheat Lectin VER2 Is Associated with Vernalization-Induced O-GlcNAc Signaling and Intracellular Motility? |
Xing LJ, Li J, Xu YY, Xu ZH, Chong K* |
Basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor from wild rice (OrbHLH2) improves tolerance to salt- and osmotic stress in Arabidopsis? |
Zhou J,Li F, Wang JL, Ma Y, Chong K, Xu YY |
Journal of Plant Physiology? |