论文题目 第一作者 发表年度 刊物名称
"Medieval Warm Period" on the northern slope of central Tianshan Mountains, Xinjiang, NW China - art. no. L11702 Zhang Y, Kong ZC, Yan S, Yang ZJ, Ni J 2009 Geophysical Research Letters
AtECB2, a Pentatricopeptide Repeat Protein, is Required for Chloroplast Transcript accD RNA Editing and Early Chloroplast Biogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana Yu QB, Jiang Y, Chong K, Yang ZN 2009 Plant Journal
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi reduce effects of physiological integration in Trifolium repens Du J, Yu FH, Alpert P, Dong M 2009 Annals of Botany
Reproductive success of non-rewarding Cypripedium japonicum benefits from low spatial dispersion pattern and asynchronous flowering? Sun HQ, Cheng J, Zhang FM, Luo YB, Ge S Annals of Botany?
Species-habitat associations change in a subtropical forest of China? Lai JS, Mi XC, Ren HB, Ma KP Journal of Vegetation Science?
Nitric oxide modulates the influx of extracellular Ca2+ and actin filament organization during cell wall construction in Pinus bungeana pollen tubes? Wang YH, Chen T, Zhang CY, Hao HQ, Liu P, Zheng MZ, Baluska F, Samaj J, Lin JX New Phytologist?
Oxidative Damage of Mitochondrial Proteins Contributes to Fruit Senescence: A Redox Proteomics Analysis? Qin GZ, Meng XH, Wang Q, Tian SP Journal of Proteome Research?
Response of ecosystem carbon exchange to warming and nitrogen addition during two hydrologically contrasting growing seasons in a temperate steppe? Xia JY, Niu SL, Wan SQ Global Change Biology?
The expression of caffeic acid 3-O-methyltransferase in two wheat genotypes differing in lodging resistance? Ma QH Journal of Experimental Botany?
Empirical assessment of the reproductive fitness components of the hybrid pine Pinus densata on the Tibetan Plateau? Mao JF, Li Y, Wang XR Evolutionary Ecology?
Identification of a Polygonum cuspidatum three-intron gene encoding a type III polyketide synthase producing both naringenin and p-hydroxybenzalacetone? Ma LQ, Guo YW, Gao DY, Ma DM, Wang YN, Li GF, Liu BY, Wang H ,Ye HC Planta?
Physical injury stimulates aerobic methane emissions from terrestrial plants? Wang ZP, Gulledge J, Zheng JQ, Liu W, Li LH, Han XG Biogeosciences?
Enhanced Tolerance to Chilling Stress in OsMYB3R-2 Transgenic Rice Is Mediated by Alteration in Cell Cycle and Ectopic Expression of Stress Genes? Ma QB, Dai XY, Xu YY, Guo J, Liu YJ, Chen, N, Xiao J, Zhang DJ, Xu ZH, Zhang XS, Chong K Plant Physiology?
Phylogeny and classification of Ranunculales: Evidence from four molecular loci and morphological data? Wang W, Lu AM, Ren Y, Endress ME, Chen ZD Perspectives in Plant Ecology Evolution and Systematics?
Calmodulin Binds to Extracellular Sites on the Plasma Membrane of Plant Cells and Elicits a Rise in Intracellular Calcium Concentration? Wang QL, Chen B, Liu P, Zheng MZ, Wang YQ, Cui SJ, Sun DY, Fang XH, Liu CM, Lucas WJ, Lin JX Journal of Biological Chemistry?
Multiresidue determination of tetracycline antibiotics in propolis by using HPLC-UV detection with ultrasonic-assisted extraction and two-step solid phase extraction? Zhou JH, Xue XF, Li Y, Zhang JZ, Chen F, Wu LM, Chen LZ, Zhao J Food Chemistry?
Integrated diurnal soil respiration model during growing season of a typical temperate steppe: Effects of temperature, soil water content and biomass production? Jia BR, Zhou GS Soil Biology & Biochemistry?
Effects of prescribed burning and seasonal and interannual climate variation on nitrogen mineralization in a typical steppe in Inner Mongolia? Zhou LS, Huang JH, Lu FM, Han XG Soil Biology & Biochemistry?
China's grazed temperate grasslands are a net source of atmospheric methane? Wang ZP, Song Y,Gulledge J,Yu Q, Liu HS, Han XG Atmospheric Environment?
Nitric oxide modulates the influx of extracellular Ca2+ and actin filament organization during cell wall construction in Pinus bungeana pollen tubes? Wang Y, Chen T, Zhang C, Hao H, Liu P, Zheng M, Baluska F, Samaj J, Lin J New Phytologist?
Simultaneous determination of seven fluoroquinolones in royal jelly by ultrasonic-assisted extraction and liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection? Zhou JH, Xue XF, Chen F, Zhang JZ, Li Y, Wu LM, Chen LZ, Zhao J Journal of Separation Science?
Climate and ecosystem N-15 natural abundance along a transect of Inner Mongolian grasslands: Contrasting regional patterns and global patterns - art. no. GB2005? Cheng WX, Chen QS, Xu YQ, Han XG, Li LH Global Biogeochemical Cycles?
Clonal integration supports the expansion from terrestrial to aquatic environments of the amphibious stoloniferous herb Alternanthera philoxeroides? Wang N, Yu FH, Li PX, He WM, Liu J, Yu GL, Song YB, Dong M Plant Biology?
Impact of proximity to a pathway on orchid pollination success in Huanglong National Park, South-West China? Huang BQ , Sun YN, Yu XH, Luo YB, Hutchings MJ, Tang SY Biological Conservation?
Changes in physiology and quality of peach fruits treated by methyl jasmonate under low temperature stress? Meng XH, Han J, Wang Q, Tian SP Food Chemistry?
Reproductive success of non-rewarding Cypripedium japonicum benefits from low spatial dispersion pattern and asynchronous flowering? Sun HQ, Cheng J, Zhang FM, Luo YB, Ge S Annals of Botany?
Proteomic Analysis of Oil Mobilization in Seed Germination and Postgermination Development of Jatropha curcas? Yang, MF, Liu, YJ, Liu, Y, Chen, H, Chen, F, Shen, SH Journal of Proteome Research?
Novel weapons and invasion: biogeographic differences in the competitive effects of Centaurea maculosa and its root exudate (+/-)-catechin? He WM, Feng YL, Ridenour WM, Thelen GC, Pollock JL, Diaconu A Callaway RM Oecologia?
Phosphorylation Modification of Wheat Lectin VER2 Is Associated with Vernalization-Induced O-GlcNAc Signaling and Intracellular Motility? Xing LJ, Li J, Xu YY, Xu ZH, Chong K* PLoS ONE?
Basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor from wild rice (OrbHLH2) improves tolerance to salt- and osmotic stress in Arabidopsis? Zhou J,Li F, Wang JL, Ma Y, Chong K, Xu YY Journal of Plant Physiology?