OsGSR1 is involved in crosstalk between gibberellins and brassinosteroids in rice? |
Wang L, Wang Z, Xu YY, Joo Se-Hwan, Kim Seong-Ki, Xue Z, Xu ZH, Wang ZY,and Chong K |
The Plant Journal |
Phylogeny of Abies (Pinaceae) inferred from nrITS sequence data |
Xiang QP, Xiang QY, Guo YY, Zhang XC |
Taxon |
Functional annotation of expressed sequence tags as a tool to understand the molecular mechanism controlling flower bud development in tree peony |
Shu QY, Wischnitzki E, Liu ZA, Ren HX, Han XY, Hao Q, Gao FF, Xu SX, Wang LS |
Physiologia Plantarum |
Native Cuscuta campestris restrains exotic Mikania micrantha and enhances soil resources beneficial to natives in the invaded communities |
Biological Invasions |
Analysis of 142 genes resolves the rapid diversification of the rice genus |
Zou XH, Zhang FM, Zhang JG, Zang LL, Tang L, Wang J, Sang T, Ge S |
Distribution, utilization structure and potential of biomass resources in rural China: With special references of crop residues |
Liu H, Jiang GM, Zhuang HY, Wang KJ |
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews |
Seasonal dynamics in resource partitioning to growth and storage in response to drought in a perennial rhizomatous grass, Leymus chinensis |
Wang RZ, Chen L, Bai YG, Xiao CM |
Journal of Plant Growth Regulation |
Pollination of Cypripedium plectrochilum (Orchidaceae) by Lasioglossum spp. (Halictidae): the roles of generalist attractants versus restrictive floral architecture |
Li P, Luo Y, Bernhardt P, Kou Y, Perner H |
Plant Biology |
Impacts of grazing intensity on denitrification and N2O production in a semi-arid grassland ecosystem |
Xu YQ, Wan SQ, Cheng WX, Li LH |
Biogeochemistry |
TrMADS3, a new MADS-box gene, from a perennial species Taihangia rupestris (Rosaceae) is upregulated by cold and experiences seasonal fluctuation in expression level |
Du XQ, Xiao QY, Zhao R, Wu F, Xu QJ, Chong K, Meng Z |
Development Genes And Evolution |
Characterisation of the TaALMT1 protein as an Al3+-activated anion channel in transformed tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) cells |
Zhang WH, Ryan P, Sasaki T, Yamamoto Y, Sullivan W, Tyerman S |
Plant and Cell Physiology |
The rice ROOT ARCHITECTURE ASSOCIATED1 binds the proteasome subunit RPT4 and is degraded in a D-box and proteasome dependent manner |
Han Y, Cao H, Jiang JF, Xu Y, Du JZ, Wang X, Yuan M, Wang ZY, Xu ZH, Chong K |
Plant Physiology |
Contrasting population genetic structure and gene flow between Oryza rufipogon and Oryza nivara |
Zhou HF, Zheng XM, Wei RX, Second G, Vaughan DA, Ge Song |
Theoretical and Applied Genetics |
Germination of Dimorphic Seeds of the Desert Annual Halophyte Suaeda aralocaspica (Chenopodiaceae), a C4 Plant without Kranz Anatomy |
Wang L, Huang ZY, Baskin CC, Baskin JM, Dong M |
Annals of Botany |
A novel type III polyketide synthase encoded by a three-intron gene from Polygonum cuspidatum |
Ma LQ, Pang XB, Shen HY, Pu GB, Wang HH, Lei CY, Wang H, Li GF, Liu BY, Ye HC |
Planta |
Chaotic behavior of a three-species Beddington-type system with impulsive perturbations |
Wang WM, Wang HL, Li ZQ |
Chaos Solitons and Fractals |
Expression differentiation of CYC-like floral symmetry genes correlated with their protein sequence divergence in Chirita heterotricha (Gesneriaceae) |
Gao Q, Tao JH, Yan D, Wang YZ, Li ZY |
Biochemical Genetics |
Spatial and temporal effects of nitrogen addition on root life span of Leymus chinensis in a typical steppe of Inner Mongolia |
Bai WM, Wang ZW, Chen QS, Zhang WH, Li LH |
Functional Ecology |
An Ecohydrological Analysis for Optimal Use of Redistributed Water Among Vegetation Patches |
Yu M, Gao Q, Epstein HE, Zhang XS |
Ecological Applications |
Reconstruction of paleovegetation and paleoclimate in the Early and Middle Eocene, Hainan Island, China |
Yao YF, Bera S, Ferguson DK, Mosbrugger V, Paudayal, KN, Jin JH, Li CS |
Climatic Change |
Effects of Crofton weed Ageratina adenophora on assemblages of Carabidae (Coleoptera) in the Yunnan Province, South China |
Gu WB, Sang WG, Liang HB, Axmacher JC |
Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment |
Water-mediated responses of ecosystem carbon fluxes to climatic change in a temperate steppe |
Niu SL, Wu MY, Han Y, Xia JY, Li LH, Wan SQ |
New Phytologist |
Structural and functional analysis of the antiparallel strands in the lumenal loop of the major light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b complex of photosystem II (LHCIIb) by site-directed mutagenesis |
Liu C, Zhang YJ, Cao DR, He YK, Kuang TY, Yang CH |
Journal of Biological Chemistry |
Dynamic Proteomic Analysis Reveals a Switch Between Central Carbon Metabolism and Alcoholic Fermentation in Oryza sativa Filling Grains |
Xu SB, Li T, Deng ZY, Chong K, Xue YB, Wang T |
Plant Physiology |
Spatial variability in soil heat flux at three Inner Mongolia steppe ecosystems |
Shao CL, Chen JQ, Li LH, Xu WT, Chen SP, Gwen T, Xu JY, Zhang WL |
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology |
The pollination of a self-incompatible, food-mimic orchid, Coelogyne fimbriata (Orchidaceae), by female Vespula wasps |
Cheng J, Shi J, Shangguan FZ, Dafni A, Deng ZH, Luo YB |
Annals of Botany |
Combined Proteomic and Cytological Analysis of Ca2+-Calmodulin Regulation in Picea meyeri Pollen Tube Growth |
Chen T, Wu XQ, Chen YM, Li XJ, Huang M, Zheng MZ, Baluska F, Samaj J, Lin JX |
Plant Physiology |
Response of Jujube Fruits to Exogenous Oxalic Acid Treatment Based on Proteomic Analysis |
Wang Q , Lai TF, Qin GZ, Tian SP |
Plant and Cell Physiology |
Enhanced sensitivity to oxidative stress in transgenic tobacco plants with decreased glutathione reductase activity leads to a decrease in ascorbate pool and ascorbate redox state |
Ding SH, Lu QT, Zhang Y, Yang ZP, Wen XG, Zhang LX, Lu CM |
Plant Molecular Biology |
Clonal Integration Affects Growth, Photosynthetic Efficiency and Biomass Allocation, but not the Competitive Ability, of the Alien Invasive Alternanthera philoxeroides under Severe Stress |
Wang N, Yu FH, Li PX, He WM, Liu FH, Liu JM, Dong M |
Annals of Botany |