论文题目 第一作者 发表年度 刊物名称
OsGSR1 is involved in crosstalk between gibberellins and brassinosteroids in rice? Wang L, Wang Z, Xu YY, Joo Se-Hwan, Kim Seong-Ki, Xue Z, Xu ZH, Wang ZY,and Chong K The Plant Journal
Phylogeny of Abies (Pinaceae) inferred from nrITS sequence data Xiang QP, Xiang QY, Guo YY, Zhang XC Taxon
Functional annotation of expressed sequence tags as a tool to understand the molecular mechanism controlling flower bud development in tree peony Shu QY, Wischnitzki E, Liu ZA, Ren HX, Han XY, Hao Q, Gao FF, Xu SX, Wang LS Physiologia Plantarum
Native Cuscuta campestris restrains exotic Mikania micrantha and enhances soil resources beneficial to natives in the invaded communities Biological Invasions
Analysis of 142 genes resolves the rapid diversification of the rice genus Zou XH, Zhang FM, Zhang JG, Zang LL, Tang L, Wang J, Sang T, Ge S
Distribution, utilization structure and potential of biomass resources in rural China: With special references of crop residues Liu H, Jiang GM, Zhuang HY, Wang KJ Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Seasonal dynamics in resource partitioning to growth and storage in response to drought in a perennial rhizomatous grass, Leymus chinensis Wang RZ, Chen L, Bai YG, Xiao CM Journal of Plant Growth Regulation
Pollination of Cypripedium plectrochilum (Orchidaceae) by Lasioglossum spp. (Halictidae): the roles of generalist attractants versus restrictive floral architecture Li P, Luo Y, Bernhardt P, Kou Y, Perner H Plant Biology
Impacts of grazing intensity on denitrification and N2O production in a semi-arid grassland ecosystem Xu YQ, Wan SQ, Cheng WX, Li LH Biogeochemistry
TrMADS3, a new MADS-box gene, from a perennial species Taihangia rupestris (Rosaceae) is upregulated by cold and experiences seasonal fluctuation in expression level Du XQ, Xiao QY, Zhao R, Wu F, Xu QJ, Chong K, Meng Z Development Genes And Evolution
Characterisation of the TaALMT1 protein as an Al3+-activated anion channel in transformed tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) cells Zhang WH, Ryan P, Sasaki T, Yamamoto Y, Sullivan W, Tyerman S Plant and Cell Physiology
The rice ROOT ARCHITECTURE ASSOCIATED1 binds the proteasome subunit RPT4 and is degraded in a D-box and proteasome dependent manner Han Y, Cao H, Jiang JF, Xu Y, Du JZ, Wang X, Yuan M, Wang ZY, Xu ZH, Chong K Plant Physiology
Contrasting population genetic structure and gene flow between Oryza rufipogon and Oryza nivara Zhou HF, Zheng XM, Wei RX, Second G, Vaughan DA, Ge Song Theoretical and Applied Genetics
Germination of Dimorphic Seeds of the Desert Annual Halophyte Suaeda aralocaspica (Chenopodiaceae), a C4 Plant without Kranz Anatomy Wang L, Huang ZY, Baskin CC, Baskin JM, Dong M Annals of Botany
A novel type III polyketide synthase encoded by a three-intron gene from Polygonum cuspidatum Ma LQ, Pang XB, Shen HY, Pu GB, Wang HH, Lei CY, Wang H, Li GF, Liu BY, Ye HC Planta
Chaotic behavior of a three-species Beddington-type system with impulsive perturbations Wang WM, Wang HL, Li ZQ Chaos Solitons and Fractals
Expression differentiation of CYC-like floral symmetry genes correlated with their protein sequence divergence in Chirita heterotricha (Gesneriaceae) Gao Q, Tao JH, Yan D, Wang YZ, Li ZY Biochemical Genetics
Spatial and temporal effects of nitrogen addition on root life span of Leymus chinensis in a typical steppe of Inner Mongolia Bai WM, Wang ZW, Chen QS, Zhang WH, Li LH Functional Ecology
An Ecohydrological Analysis for Optimal Use of Redistributed Water Among Vegetation Patches Yu M, Gao Q, Epstein HE, Zhang XS Ecological Applications
Reconstruction of paleovegetation and paleoclimate in the Early and Middle Eocene, Hainan Island, China Yao YF, Bera S, Ferguson DK, Mosbrugger V, Paudayal, KN, Jin JH, Li CS Climatic Change
Effects of Crofton weed Ageratina adenophora on assemblages of Carabidae (Coleoptera) in the Yunnan Province, South China Gu WB, Sang WG, Liang HB, Axmacher JC Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment
Water-mediated responses of ecosystem carbon fluxes to climatic change in a temperate steppe Niu SL, Wu MY, Han Y, Xia JY, Li LH, Wan SQ New Phytologist
Structural and functional analysis of the antiparallel strands in the lumenal loop of the major light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b complex of photosystem II (LHCIIb) by site-directed mutagenesis Liu C, Zhang YJ, Cao DR, He YK, Kuang TY, Yang CH Journal of Biological Chemistry
Dynamic Proteomic Analysis Reveals a Switch Between Central Carbon Metabolism and Alcoholic Fermentation in Oryza sativa Filling Grains Xu SB, Li T, Deng ZY, Chong K, Xue YB, Wang T Plant Physiology
Spatial variability in soil heat flux at three Inner Mongolia steppe ecosystems Shao CL, Chen JQ, Li LH, Xu WT, Chen SP, Gwen T, Xu JY, Zhang WL Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
The pollination of a self-incompatible, food-mimic orchid, Coelogyne fimbriata (Orchidaceae), by female Vespula wasps Cheng J, Shi J, Shangguan FZ, Dafni A, Deng ZH, Luo YB Annals of Botany
Combined Proteomic and Cytological Analysis of Ca2+-Calmodulin Regulation in Picea meyeri Pollen Tube Growth Chen T, Wu XQ, Chen YM, Li XJ, Huang M, Zheng MZ, Baluska F, Samaj J, Lin JX Plant Physiology
Response of Jujube Fruits to Exogenous Oxalic Acid Treatment Based on Proteomic Analysis Wang Q , Lai TF, Qin GZ, Tian SP Plant and Cell Physiology
Enhanced sensitivity to oxidative stress in transgenic tobacco plants with decreased glutathione reductase activity leads to a decrease in ascorbate pool and ascorbate redox state Ding SH, Lu QT, Zhang Y, Yang ZP, Wen XG, Zhang LX, Lu CM Plant Molecular Biology
Clonal Integration Affects Growth, Photosynthetic Efficiency and Biomass Allocation, but not the Competitive Ability, of the Alien Invasive Alternanthera philoxeroides under Severe Stress Wang N, Yu FH, Li PX, He WM, Liu FH, Liu JM, Dong M Annals of Botany