姓  名: 卢庆陶
职务/职称: 副研究员、研究组临时负责人
联系电话: (86)-010-62836199
电子邮件: lu_qingtao@ibcas.ac.cn
个人网页: http://www.klpbcas.com/yjdw/ktzz/lqt/
课 题 组: 光合作用环境适应分子机理研究组

1997年北京大学学士,2003年中国科学院植物研究所博士并留所工作,历任助理研究员,副研究员。2007-2008年获国家留学基金委基金资助,在苏黎世瑞士联邦高工植物科学研究所Gruissem实验室进行访问研究。兼任中国空间科学学会第十届理事会空间生命专业委员会委员。主持和参与国家重点研发计划,国家自然基金委面上项目,973计划,中科院先导项目等。在PNASPlant CellMolecular PlantPlant Physiology等期刊发表SCI收录论文50余篇。


主要研究方向是光合作用功能调控的分子机理, 主要包括光合作用环境适应的分子机理以及稻麦等光能高效利用的调节机理研究。包括稻麦的光保护机制,叶绿体激酶调控机制,以及同化物高效转运机制。







Zhi Hu, Zhipan Yang, Yi Zhang, Aihong Zhang, Qingtao Lu, Ying Fang, Congming Lu *. 2022. Autophagy targets Hd1 for vacuolar degradation to regulate rice flowering. Molecular Plant 15: 1137-1156.


Xiaogang Wen, Zhipan Yang, Shunhua Ding, Huixia Yang, Lixin Zhang, Congming Lu, Qingtao Lu*. 2021. Analysis of the changes of electron transfer and heterogeneity of photosystem II in Deg1-reduced Arabidopsis plants. Photosynthesis Research 150: 159-177.

林荣呈*,杨文强,王柏臣,于龙江,王文达,田利金,迟伟,卢庆陶,韩广业,匡廷云;2021. 光合作用研究若干前沿进展与展望,中国科学:生命科学 101376-1384.

Honghong Fei#, Zhipan Yang#, Qingtao Lu, Xiaogang Wen, Yi Zhang, Zhang Aihong, Congming Lu*. 2021. OsSWEET14 cooperates with OsSWEET11 to contribute to grain filling in rice. Plant Science 306: 110851.

Mingyang Ma, Yang Liu, Yaowen Zhang, Weilong Qin, Zhimin Wang, Yinghua Zhang, Congming Lu, Qingtao Lu*. 2021. In situ measurements of winter wheat diurnal changes in photosynthesis and environmental factors reveal new insights into photosynthesis improvement by super-high-yield cultivation. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 20(2): 2-14.

蒋甜,许哲平,陈学娟,卢庆陶,杨辉霞,朱学军. 2021. 近年来光合作用领域的前沿和热点研究——基于WOS高被引论文的科技术语分析,中国科技术语 2360-70.


Shunhua Ding, Yi Zhang, Zhi Hu, Xiahe Huang, Bohan Zhang, Qingtao Lu, Xiaogang Wen, Yingchun Wang, Congming Lu*. 2019. mTERF5 Acts as a Transcriptional Pausing Factor to Positively Regulate Transcription of Chloroplast psbEFLJ. Molecular Plant 12: 1259-1277.


张耀文*,赵小光,关周博,王学芳,侯君利,董育红,田建华,李殿荣,卢庆陶,卢从明. 2018. 油菜高光效育种的难点及解决策略,西北农业学报 271-9.


Wen Zhou#, Qingtao Lu#, Qingwei Li, Lei Wang, Shunhua Ding, Aihong Zhang, Xiaogang Wen, Lixin Zhang, Congming Lu*. 2017. PPR-SMR protein SOT1 has RNA endonuclease activity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 114: E1554-E1563.

Lei Wang, Qingwei Li, Aihong Zhang, Wen Zhou, Rui Jiang, Zhipan Yang, Huixia Yang, Xiaochun Qin, Shunhua Ding, Qingtao Lu, Xiaogang Wen, Congming Lu*. 2017. The Phytol Phosphorylation Pathway Is Essential for the Biosynthesis of Phylloquinone, which Is Required for Photosystem I Stability in Arabidopsis. Molecular Plant 10: 183-196.

张耀文*,赵小光,关周博,王学芳,候君莉,田建华,李殿荣,卢庆陶,卢从明. 2017. 功能相对稳定期内油菜3类主要光合器官间光合性状差异的比较, 西南农业学报 3: 296-304.

张耀文*,赵小光,王学芳,关周博,候君利,李殿荣,田建华,王竹云,卢庆陶,卢从明. 2017. 油菜高光效育种的思路、方法与选育效果, 西北农业学报 5: 647-656.

张耀文*,赵小光,关周博,王学芳,侯君利,田建华,董育红,李殿荣,卢庆陶,卢从明. 2017. 油菜角果光合特性研究现状及改良思路, 中国油料作物学报 11: 704-713.


Shunhua Ding, Rui Jiang, Qingtao Lu, Xiaogang Wen, Congming Lu*. 2016. Glutathione reductase 2 maintains the function of photosystem II in Arabidopsis under excess light. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1857: 665-677.

Shunhua Ding, Liang Wang, Zhipan Yang, Qingtao Lu, Xiaogang Wen, Congming Lu*. 2016. Decreased glutathione reductase2 leads to early leaf senescence in Arabidopsis. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 58: 29-47.


Liang Wang#, Qingtao Lu#, Xiaogang Wen, and Congming Lu*. 2015. Enhanced Sucrose Loading Improves Rice Yield by Increasing Grain Size. Plant Physiology 169: 2848-2862.

Zhipan Yang, Zengzhen Shang, Lei Wang, Qingtao Lu, Xiaogang Wen, Wei Chi, Lixin Zhang, Congming Lu*. 2015. Purine biosynthetic enzyme ATase2 is involved in the regulation of early chloroplast development and chloroplast gene expression in Arabidopsis. Photosynthesis Research 126: 285-300.

Qingtao Lu#, Stefan Helm#, Anja Rodiger#, Sacha Baginsky*. 2015. On the extent of tyrosine phosphorylation in chloroplasts. Plant Physiology 169: 996-1000.

Qingtao Lu, Shunhua Ding, Sonja Reiland, Anja Rodiger, Bernd Roschitzki, Xue P Wilhelm Gruissem, Congming Lu, Sacha Baginsky*. 2015. Identification and characterization of chloroplast casein kinase II from Oryza sativa (rice). Journal of Experimental Botany 66: 175-187.


Boya Chen, Aihong Zhang, Qingtao Lu, Tingyun Kuang, Congming Lu, Xiaogang Wen*. 2013. Characterization of photosystem I in rice (Oryza sativa L.) seedlings upon exposure to random positioning machine. Photosynthesis Research 116(1): 93-105.

Linlin Zhong, Wen Zhou, Haijun Wang, Shunhua Ding, Qingtao Lu, Xiaogang Wen, Lianwei Peng,Lixin Zhang,Congming Lu*. 2013. Chloroplast small heat shock protein hsp21 interacts with plastid nucleoid protein pTAC5 and is essential for chloroplast development in Arabidopsis under heat stress. Plant Cell 25(8): 2925-2943.


Jun Liu, Huixia Yang, Qingtao Lu, Xiaogang Wen, Fan Chen, Lianwei Peng, Lixin Zhang, Congming Lu*. 2012. PSBP-DOMAIN PROTEIN1, a nuclear-encoded thylakoid lumenal protein, is essential for photosystem I assembly in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 24(12): 4992-5006.

Chunyan Zhang, Yan Yin, Aihong Zhang, Qingtao Lu, Xiaogang Wen, Zhen Zhu, Lixin Zhang, Congming Lu*. 2012. Comparative proteomic study reveals dynamic proteome changes between superhybrid rice LYP9 and its parents at different developmental stages. Journal of Plant Physiology 169(4): 387-398.

Shunhua Ding, Ming Lei, Qingtao Lu, Aihong Zhang, Yan Yin, Xiaogang Wen, Lixin Zhang, Congming Lu*. 2012. Enhanced sensitivity and characterization of photosystem II in transgenic tobacco plants with decreased chloroplast glutathione reductase under chilling stress. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-Bioenergetics 1817(11): 1979-1991.

Zhipan Yang, Qingtao Lu, Xiaogang Wen, Fan Chen, Congming Lu*. 2012. Functional analysis of the rice rubisco activase promoter in transgenic Arabidopsis. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 418(3): 565-570.


Baerenfaller Katja*, Hirsch-Hoffmann Matthias, Svozil Julia, Hull Roger, Russenberger Doris, Bischof Sylvain, Qingtao Lu, Gruissem Wilhelm, Baginsky Sacha. 2011. pep2pro: a new tool for comprehensive proteome data analysis to reveal information about organ-specific proteomes in Arabidopsis thaliana. Integrative Biology 3(3): 225-237.

Xiaoying Chen, Wei Li , Qingtao Lu, Xiaogang Wen, Hongwei Li, Tingyun Kuang, Zhensheng Li, Congming Lu*. 2011. The xanthophyll cycle and antioxidative defense system are enhanced in the wheat hybrid subjected to high light stress. Journal of Plant Physiology 168(15): 1828-1836.

Wei Li, Chunyan Zhang, Qingtao Lu, Xiaogang Wen, Congming Lu*. 2011. The combined effect of salt stress and heat shock on proteome profiling in Suaeda salsa. Journal of Plant Physiology 168(15): 1743-1752.

Yan Zhang, Shunhua Ding, Qingtao Lu, Zhipan Yang, Xiaogang Wen, Lixin Zhang, Congming Lu*. 2011. Characterization of photosystem II in transgenic tobacco plants with decreased iron superoxide dismutase. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-Bioenergetics 1807(4): 391-403.

2010 及之前

Yan Yin, Shumei Li, Weiqin Liao, Qingtao Lu, Xiaogang Wen, Congming Lu*. 2010. Photosystem II photochemistry, photoinhibition, and the xanthophyll cycle in heat-stressed rice leaves. Journal of Plant Physiology 167(12): 959-966.

Aihong Zhang, Qingtao Lu, Yan Yin, Shunhua Ding, Xiaogang Wen, Congming Lu*. 2010. Comparative proteomic analysis provides new insights into the regulation of carbon metabolism during leaf senescence of rice grown under field conditions. Journal of Plant Physiology 167(16): 1380-1389.

Bin Cai,  Aihong Zhang,  Zhipan Yang,  Qingtao Lu,  Xiaogang Wen,  Congming Lu*. 2010. Characterization of photosystem II photochemistry in transgenic tobacco plants with lowered Rubisco activase content. Journal of Plant Physiology 167(17): 1457-1465.

Shunhua Ding, Qingtao Lu, Yan Zhang, Zhipan Yang, Xiaogang Wen, Lixin Zhang, and Congming Lu*. 2009. Enhanced sensitivity to oxidative stress in transgenic tobacco plants with decreased glutathione reductase activity leads to a decrease in ascorbate pool and ascorbate redox state. Plant Molecular Biology 69(5): 577-592.

Jun Fang, Chenglin Chai, Qian Qian, Chunlai Li, Jiuyou Tang, Lei Sun, Zejun Huang, Xiaoli Guo, Changhui Sun, Min Liu, Yan Zhang, Qingtao Lu, Yiqin Wang, Congming Lu, Bin Han, Fan Chen, Zhukuan Cheng and Chengcai Chu*. 2008. Mutations of genes in synthesis of the carotenoid precursors of ABA lead to pre-harvest sprouting and photo-oxidation in rice. Plant Journal 54(2): 177-189.

Haili Dong, Yan Deng, Jinye Mu, Qingtao Lu, Yiqin Wang, Yunyuan Xu, Chengcai Chu, Kang Chong, Congming Lu, Jianru Zuo*. 2007. The Arabidopsis Spontaneous Cell Death1 gene, encoding a zeta-carotene desaturase essential for carotenoid biosynthesis, is involved in chloroplast development, photoprotection and retrograde signalling. Cell Research 17(5): 458-470.

Yunlai Tang, Xiaogang Wen, Qingtao Lu, Zhipan Yang, Zhukuan Cheng, Congming Lu*. 2007. Heat stress induces an aggregation of the light-harvesting complex of photosystem II in spinach plants. Plant Physiology 143(2): 629-638.

Xinghong Yang, Xiaogang Wen, Hongmei Gong, Qingtao Lu, Zhipan Yang, Yunlai Tang, Zheng Liang, Congming Lu*. 2007. Genetic engineering of the biosynthesis of glycinebetaine enhances thermotolerance of photosystem II in tobacco plants. Planta 225(3): 719-733.

Lianwei Peng, Jinfang Ma, Wei Chi, Jinkui Guo, Shuyong Zhu, Qingtao Lu, Congming Lu, Lixin Zhang*. 2006. LOW PSII ACCUMULATION1 is involved in efficient assembly of photosystem II in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell 18(4): 955-969.

Hua Chen, Dongyuan Zhang, Jinkui Guo, Hao Wu, Meifang Jin, Qingtao Lu, Congming Lu, Lixin Zhang*. 2006. A Psb27 homologue in Arabidopsis thaliana is required for efficient repair of photodamaged photosystem II. Plant Molecular Biology 61(4-5): 567-575.

Xiaogang Wen, Nianwei Qiu, Qingtao Lu, Congming Lu*. 2005. Enhanced thermotolerance of photosystem II in salt-adapted plants of the halophyte Artemisia anethifolia. Planta 220(3): 486-497.

Qingtao Lu, and Congming Lu*. 2004. Photosynthetic pigment composition and photosystem II photochemistry of wheat ears. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 42(5): 395-402.

Qingtao Lu, Xiaogang. Wen, Congming Lu*, Qide Zhang, Tingyun Kuang. 2003. Photoinhibition and photoprotection in senescent leaves of field-grown wheat plants. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 41(8): 749-754.

Nianwei Qiu, Qingtao Lu, Congming Lu. 2003. Photosynthesis, photosystem II efficiency and the xanthophyll cycle in the salt-adapted halophyte Atriplex centralasiatica New Phytologist 159(2): 479-486.

Congming Lu, Nianwei Qiu, Qingtao Lu, Baoshan Wang and Tingyun Kuang. 2003. PSII photochemistry, thermal energy dissipation, and the xanthophyll cycle in Kalanchoe daigremontiana exposed to a combination of water stress and high light. Physiologia Plantarum118:.173-182.

Qingtao Lu, Congming Lu, Jianhua Zhang and Tingyun Kuang. 2002. Photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence during flag leaf senescence of wheat plants grown in the field. Journal of Plant Physiology 159: 1173-1178.

Congming Lu, Nianwei Qiu, Qingtao Lu, Baoshan Wang, Tingyun Kuang. 2002. Does salt stress lead to increased susceptibility of photosystem II to photoinhibition and changes in photosynthetic pigment composition in halophyte Suaeda salsa grown outdoors? Plant Science 163: 1063-1068.

Congming Lu, Qingtao Lu, Jianhua Zhang, Tingyun Kuang. 2001. Characterization of photosynthetic pigment composition, photosystem II photochemistry and thermal energy dissipation during leaf senescence of wheat plants grown in the field. Journal of Experimental Botany 52: 1805-1810.

Congming Lu, Qingtao Lu, Jianhua Zhang and Tingyun Kuang. 2001. Xanthophyll cycle, light energy dissipation and photosystem II down-regulation in senescent leaves of wheat plants grown in the field. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology 28: 1023-1030.

Qingtao Lu, Weihua Li, Qiaoying Ge Naibin Hao Jiazhu Sun, Renjun Guo. 2001. The study on fluorescence characters of winter wheat (Tritium aestivum L) flag leaves in different developing stages. Acta Botanic Sinica 43(7):801-804.

Weihua Li, Qingtao Lu, Naibin Hao*, Qiaoying Ge, Qide Zhang, Weiguang Du, Tingyun Kuang. 2001. C4 pathway enzymes in soybean leaves. Acta Botanic Sinica 43(805-808).

李卫华,卢庆陶,郝乃斌*,戈巧英,张其德,蒋高明,杜维广,匡廷云. 2000. 大豆C4途径与PSII光化学功能的相互关系,植物学报 42689~692.

李卫华,卢庆陶,郝乃斌*,张其德,匡廷云. 2000. 高产大豆的高光效特性,生物物理学 16421-426.