姓  名: 王伟
职务/职称: 研究员、研究组组长
联系电话: (86)-010-62836442
电子邮件: wangwei1127@ibcas.ac.cn
个人网页: http://www.lseb.cn/rcpy/dsjj/bd/ww/
课 题 组: 植物系统发育重建研究组

2002年毕业于云南大学生物学基地班,2007年在中国科学院植物研究所获博士学位并留所工作历任助理研究员、副研究员、研究员。2014年入选中国科学院青年创新促进会,2015年被遴选为中国科学院大学岗位教授。主要从事植物系统学和生物地理学研究,以第一或通讯作者在PNASCladisticsNew PhytolProc R Soc BJIPBJ BiogeogrMol Phylogenet EvolBMC Plant BiolBMC Evol BiolAnn BotTaxon等进化生物学领域的主流刊物上发表论文40余篇。目前担任中国地理学会生物地理学专业委员会委员,国家自然科学基金和教育部学位中心通讯评审专家,《生物多样性》、《热带亚热带植物学报》、Frontiers in Plant ScienceSystematic notes on the materials of P.N. Krylov Herbarium of Tomsk State University等期刊编委。





国家自然科学基金委面上项目防己科的系统发育和时空演化:整合现生和化石类群” (No. 32170210; 2022.01-2025.12; 直接经费58), 主持人

国家自然科学基金委国际(地区)合作与交流项目毛茛科物种水平的系统发育与形态性状的进化研究” (No. 32011530072; 2020.07–2022.06; 14.6), 主持人

中国科学院战略性科技先导专项(B 类)大尺度区域生物多样性格局与生命策略” (XDB31030000; 2018.07–2023.6),主持课题亚热带森林生物多样性形成和演化规律” (1463)

国家自然科学基金委面上项目罂粟科植物的系统发育和时空演化” (No. 31770231; 2018.01–2021.12; 直接经费60), 主持人

国家自然科学基金委面上项目白刺科系统发育与生物地理研究” (No. 31770233; 2018.01–2021.12; 直接经费60), 主持人

中国科学院战略性科技先导培育专项(B 类)大尺度区域生物多样性格局与生命策略” (XDPB020304; 2017.07–2018.7),主持子课题亚热带常绿阔叶林的起源和环境驱动力” (40)

国家自然科学基金委面上项目防己科的系统发育和多样化与现代热带雨林的起源和进化” (No. 31470315; 2015.01–2018.12; 92), 主持人

中国科学院青年创新促进会专项经费(2014.01–2017.12; 50), 主持人

国家科技部重大科学研究计划项目西南山地典型生态系统植物多样性对气候变化的响应” (2014CB954100; 2014.01-2018.8),三级课题负责人 (64)

国家自然科学基金委面上项目毛茛科植物的系统发育和多样化:生态机会和关键创新” (No. 31270269; 2013.01–2016.12; 80), 主持人

国家自然科学基金委青年项目快速辐射类群毛茛亚科植物的系统发育研究” (No. 30800059; 2009.01–2011.12; 21), 主持人

国家自然科学基金委重大项目禾本科植物的适应性辐射及其进化机制” (No. O3111A2001; 2010.01–2013.12), 主持子课题禾本科适应性辐射与其他生物类群相关性及协同进化的研究” (40)

中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目“DNA条形码与类群分子系统进化研究” (No. KSCX2-EW-Z-2; 2011.01–2013.12), 主持子课题广义五味子科的DNA条形码和系统发育” (20)

中国科学院大科学装置开放研究项目植物DNA条形码研究” (No. 2009-LSF-GBOWS-01; 2009.07–2011.06), 主持子课题木通科植物DNA条行码研究” (7.875)

研究论文(注§为共同第一作者, *为通讯作者


Peng HW, Xiang KL, Erst AS, Lian L, Ortiz RDC, Jabbour F, Chen ZD, Wang W*. 2023. A complete genus-level phylogeny reveals the Cretaceous biogeographic diversification of the poppy family. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 181:107712.

Lian L, Peng HW, Ortiz RDC, Jabbour F, Gao TG, Erst AS, Chen ZD, Wang W*. 2023. Phylogeny and biogeography of Tiliacoreae (Menispermaceae), a tribe restricted to tropical rainforests. Annals of Botany doi: 10.1093/aob/mcad023


Li XQ, Xiang XG, Jabbour F, Hagen O, Ortiz RDC, Soltis PS, Soltis DE, Wang W*. 2022. Biotic colonization of subtropical East Asian caves through time. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 119: e2207199119.

Li XQ, Xiang XG*, Zhang Q, Jabbour F, Ortiz RDC, Erst AS, Li ZY, Wang W*. 2022. Immigration dynamics of tropical and subtropical Southeast Asian limestone karst floras. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 289: 20211308.

Hai LS, Li XQ, Zhang JB, Xiang XG, Li RQ, Jabbour J, Ortiz REC, Lu AM, Chen ZD*, Wang W*. 2022. The dominant species from the oak family illuminate the historical assembly of East Asian subtropical evergreen broadleaved forests. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 64: 2126-2134.

Peng HW, Lian L, Zhang J, Erst AS, Wang W*. 2022. Phylogenomics, plastome degradation and mycoheterotrophy evolution of Neottieae (Orchidaceae), with emphasis on the systematic position and Loess Plateau-Changbai Mountains disjunction of Diplandrorchis. BMC Plant Biology 22: 507.

Liu GQ, Lian L, Wang W*. 2022. The Molecular Phylogeny of Land Plants: Progress and Future Prospects. Diversity 4: 782.

Zhang WG, Liu YG, Nie TJ, Guo CC, Qiu LH*, Yang GY, Jabbour F, Wei Wang*. 2022. Floral ontogeny of Delphinium anthriscifolium (Ranunculaceae) and development of intrafloral and symmetrical resupinated organs. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 198: 86-98.

Erst AS*, Nikulin AY, Nikulin VY, Ebel AL, Zibzeev EV, Sharples MT, Baasanmunkh S, Choi HJ, Olonova MV, Pyak AI, Gureyeva II, Erst TV, Kechaykin A, Luferov A, Maltseva SY, Nobis M, Lian L, Wang W*. 2022. Distribution analysis, updated checklist, and DNA barcodes of the endemic vascular flora of the Altai mountains, a Siberian biodiversity hotspot, Systematics and Biodiversity 20: 1-30.

Li L, Chen X, Fang D, Dong S, Guo X, Li N, Campos-Dominguez L, Wang W, Liu Y, Lang X, Peng Y, Tian D, Thomas DC, Mu W, Liu M, Wu C, Yang T, Zhang S, Yang L, Yang J, Liu ZJ, Zhang L, Zhang X, Chen F, Jiao Y, Guo Y, Hughes M, Wang W, Liu X, Zhong C, Li A, Sahu SK, Yang H, Wu E, Sharbrough J, Lisby M, Liu X, Xu X, Soltis DE, Van de Peer Y, Kidner C, Zhang S, Liu H. 2022. Genomes shed light on the evolution of Begonia, a mega-diverse genus. New Phytologist 234: 295-310.

Ye WQ, Zhu SS, Comes HP, Yang T, Lian L, Wang W, Qiu YX. 2022. Phylogenomics and diversification drivers of the Eastern Asian Eastern North American disjunct Podophylloideae. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 169:107427.

Erst AS, Chernonosov AA, Petrova NV, Kulikovskiy MS, Maltseva SY, Wang W, Kostikova VA. 2022. Investigation of chemical constituents of Eranthis longistipitata (Ranunculaceae): coumarins and furochromones. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23: 406.


Xiang KL, Erst AS, Yang J, Peng HW, Ortiz RDC, Jabbour F, Erst TV, Wang W*. 2021, Biogeographic diversification of Eranthis (Ranunculaceae) reflects the geological history of the three great Asian plateaus. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 288: 20210281.

Lian L, Sheng JY, Ortiz RDC, Yu SX, Chen ZD, Wang W*. 2021. Phylogenetic analyses and modelling distributions guide conservation of a critically endangered liana species, Eleutharrhena macrocarpa (Menispermaceae). Taxon 70: 931-945.

Mitrenina E, Erst A, Peruzzi L, Skaptsov M, Ikeda H, Nikulin V, Wang W. 2021. Karyotype and genome size variation in white-flowered Eranthis sect. Shibateranthis (Ranunculaceae). PhytoKeys 187: 207-227.

Erst AS, Mitrenina EY, Leonova TV, Tashev AN, Bancheva ST, Veklich TN, Mesterhazy A, Aytac Z, Cecen O, Alp S, Smirnov SV, Zolotov DV, Boboev M, Lian L, Wang W. 2021. IAPT chromosome data 35/3. IAPT chromosome data 35/3. Taxon 70: 1404-1405; E8-E10.

DuPasquier P-E, Andro-Durand V, Batory L, Wang W, Jabbour F. 2021. Nomenclatural revision of Delphinium subg. Consolida (DC.) Huth (Ranunculaceae). PhytoKeys 180: 81–110.

Verkhozina AV, Biryukov RYu, Bogdanova ES, Bondareva VV, Chernykh DV, Dorofeev NV, Dorofeyev VI, Ebel AL, Efimov PG, Efremov AN, Erst AS, Fateryga AV, Gamova NS, Glazunov VA, Gudkova PD, Juramurodov IJ, Kapitonova OА, Kechaykin AA, Khapugin AA, Kosachev PA, Krupkina LI, Kulagina MA, Kuzmin IV, Lian L, Koychubekova GA, Lazkov GA, Luferov AN, Mochalova OA, Murtazaliev RA, Nesterov VN, Nikolaenko SA, Novikova LA, Ovchinnikova SV, Plikina NV, Saksonov SV, Senator SA, Silaeva TB, Suleymanova GF, Sun H, Tarasov DV, Tojibaev KSh, Vasjukov VM, Wang W. 2021. Findings to the flora of Russia and adjacent countries: New national and regional vascular plant records, 3. Botanica Pacifica 10: 85–108.

Chernonosov AA, Kuznetsov AA, Petrova NV, Krivenko DA, Chernysheva OA, Wang W, Erst AS. 2021. Identification of flavonoids in the leaves of Eranthis longistipitata (Ranunculaceae) by liquid chromatography with high-resolution mass spectrometry (LC-HRMS). Plants 10: 2146.

张军, 彭焕文, 夏富才, 王伟. 2021. 青藏高原高山区和泛北极地区种子植物多倍体比较. 生物多样性 29: 1470-1480.

Erst AS, Boltenkov EV, Pendry C, Wang W. 2021. Nomenclatural notes and typification of three Aquilegia (Ranunculaceae) names described from the Himalayas. Phytotaxa 498: 58–62.

Xue JY, Dong SS, Wang MQ, Song TQ, Zhou GC, Li Z, Van de Peer Y, Shao ZQ, Wang W, Chen M, Zhang YM, Sun XQ, Chen HF, Zhang YX, Zhang SZ, Chen F, Zhang LS, Cox C, Liu Y, Wang Q, Hang YY. 2021. Mitochondrial genes from 18 angiosperms fill sampling gaps for phylogenomic inferences of the early diversification of flowering plants. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 60: 773-788.

Zalko J, Frachon S, Morel A, Deroin T, Espinosa F, Xiang KL, Wang W, Zhang WG, Lang S, Dixon L, Pinedo–Castro M, Jabbour F. 2021. Floral organogenesis and morphogenesis of Staphisagria (Ranunculaceae): Implications for the evolution of synorganized floral structures in Delphinieae. International Journal of Plant Sciences 182: 59–70.

Mitrenina EYu, Erst AS, Skaptsov MV, Leonova TV, Veklich TN, Chernysheva OA, Luferov, AN, Wang W. 2021. Karyotypes and genome size of Adonis amurensis and Adonis apennina (Ranunculaceae) from Asian Russia. Ukrainian Journal of Ecology 11: 163-170.

Espinosa F, Deroin T, Malecot V, Wang W, Pinedo M, Nadot S, Jabbour F. 2021. Historical note on the tax-onomy of the genus Delphinium L. (Ranunculaceae) with an amended description of its floral morphology. Adansonia 43: 9–18.

Espinosa F, Damerval C, le Guilloux M, Deroin T, Wang W, Pinedo M, Nadot S, Jabbour F. 2021. Homeosis and delayed floral meristem termination could account for abnormal flowers in cultivars of Delphinium and Aquilegia (Ranunculaceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 195: 485-500.


Chen XH, Xiang KL, Lian L, Peng HW, Erst AS, Xiang XG, Chen ZD, Wang W*. 2020. Biogeographic diversification of Mahonia (Berberidaceae): Implications for the origin and evolution of East Asian subtropical evergreen broadleaved forests. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 151:106910.

Lian L, Ortiz RDC, Jabbour F, Zhang CF, Xiang XG, Erst AS, Gao TG, Chen ZD, Wang W*. 2020. Phylogeny and biogeography of Pachygoneae (Menispermaceae), with consideration of the boreotropical flora hypothesis and resurrection of the genera Cebatha and Nephroia. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 148: 106825.

Wang W*, Xiang XG, Xiang KL, Ortiz RDC, Jabbour F, Chen ZD. 2020. A dated phylogeny of Lardizabalaceae reveals an unusual long-distance dispersal across the Pacific Ocean and the rapid rise of East Asian subtropical evergreen broadleaved forests in the late Miocene. Cladistics DOI: 10.1111/CLA.12414.

王伟*, 刘阳. 2020. 植物生命之树重建的现状、问题和对策建议. 生物多样性 28: 176-188.

Erst AS, Pendry CA, Erst TV, Ikeda H., Xiang KL, Wang W. 2020. Two new taxa and one new record of Aquilegia (Ranunculaceae) from India and Pakistan. Phytotaxa 439: 108-118.

Erst AS, Eugeny Boltenkov EV, Wang W. 2020. Typification of the name Eranthis sibirica (Ranunculaceae). Phytotaxa 437: 161–163.

Erst AS, Sukhorukov AP, Mitrenina EYu, Skaptsov MV, Kostikova VA, Chernisheva OA, Troshkina V, Kushunina M, Krivenko DA, Ikeda H, Xiang KL, Wang W. 2020. An integrative taxonomic approach reveals a new species of Eranthis (Ranunculaceae) in North Asia. PhytoKeys 140: 75-100.


Lian L, Ortiz RDC, Jabbour F, Chen ZD, Wang W*. 2019. Re-delimitation of Tinospora Miers (Menispermaceae): Implications for character evolution and historical biogeography. Taxon 68: 905-917.

Cui YM§, Wang W§, Ferguson D, Yang J, Wang YF. 2019. Evidence reveals how plant taxa responded to the cooling across the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary. BMC Plant Biology 19: 402.

Xiang XG, Xiang KL, Ortiz RDC, Jabbour F, Wang W*. 2019. Integrating palaeontological and molecular data reveals ancient and recent dispersal patterns in the pantropical Hamamelidaceae. Journal of Biogeography 46: 2622-2631.

Lian L, Xiang KL, Ortiz RDC*, Wang W*. 2019. A multi-locus phylogeny for the Neotropical Anomospermeae (Menispermaceae): Implications for taxonomy and biogeography. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 136: 44-52.

Erst AS, Mitrenina EY, Sukhorukov AP, Kuzmin IV, Gudkova PD, Tashe AN, Xiang KL, Wang W. 2019. IAPT chromosome data 30/2. Taxon 68: 1126, E4-E6

Verkhozina AV, Belous VN, Chernysheva OA, Ebel AL, Erst AS, Friesen NV, Iuzhakova MA, Kuznetsov AA, Luferov AN, Murashko VV, Murtazaliev RA, Ovchinnikova SV, Wang W, Zavgorodnyaya OY, Andrey Yu. Korolyuk AY, Stepan A. Senator SA, Evgenii G. Zibzeev EG, Vasjukov VM, Krivenko DA. 2019. Findings to the flora of Russia and adjacent countries: New national and regional vascular plant records, 1. Botanica Pacifica 8: 143–154.

Erst A, Luferov A, Troshkina, V, Shaulo D, Kuznetsov A, Xiang, KL, Wang W. 2019. Trollius austrosibiricus (Ranunculaceae), a new species from South Siberia. PhytoKeys 115: 83-92.

Nobis M, Klichowska E, Terlevic A, Wróbel A, Erst A, Hrivnák R, Ebel A, Tikhomirov V, Byalt V, Gudkova P, Kiraly G, Kipriyanova LM, Olonova M, Piwowarczyk R, Pliszko A, Rosadziński S, Seregin AP, Honcharenko V, Marciniuk J, Marciniuk P, Oklejewicz K, Wolanin M, Batlai O, Bubíková K, Choi HJ, Dzhus M, Kochjarová J, Molnár AV, Nobis A, Nowak A, Otahelová H,óvári M, Shimko I, Shukherdorj B, Gábor S, Toroshkina V, Verkhozina A, Wang W, Xiang KL, Zykova E. 2019. Contribution to the flora of Asian and European countries: new national and regional vascular plant records, 8. Botany Letters 166: 163-188.


Wu SD, Zhang LJ*, Lin L, Yu SX, Chen ZD, Wang W*. 2018. Insights into the historical assembly of global dryland floras: the diversification of Zygophyllaceae. BMC Evolutionary Biology 18: 166.

Wang Q, Wu S, Su X, Zhang L, Xu X, Lyu L, Cai H, Shrestha N, Liu Y, Wang W*, Wang Z*. 2018. Niche conservatism and elevated diversification shape species diversity in drylands: evidence from Zygophyllaceae. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences 285: 20181742.

Xiang KL, Erst AS, Xiang XG, Jabbour F, Wang W*. 2018. Biogeography of Coptis Salisb. (Ranunculales, Ranunculaceae, Coptidoideae), an eastern Asian and North American genus. BMC Evolutionary Biology 18: 74.

Wang W*. 2018. A primer to the use of herbarium specimens in plant phylogenetics. Botany Letters 165: 404-408.

Shemetova T, Erst A, Wang W, Xiang KL, Vural C, Aytac Z. 2018. Seed morphology of the genus Astragalus L. from North Asia. Turkish Journal of Botany 42: 710-721.

Erst AS, Mitrenina EY, Sukhorukov AP, Kuznetsov AA, Kuzmin IV, Luferov AN, Xiang KL, Wang W. 2018. Asteraceae, Caryophyllaceae, Kewaceae, Ranunculaceae, Rosaceae, Violaceae. In: Marhold K, Kucera J (eds.), IAPT chromosome data 27. Taxon 67: 1042-1043, E6-E8.

Luferov AN, Erst AS, Luferov AN, Shmakov AI, Wang W. 2018. The genus Trollius (Ranunculaceae) in the Russian Far East. Turczaninowia 21: 110-116.

Chen Y, Jabbour F, Novikov A, Wang W, Gerber S. 2018. A study of floral shape variation in Delphinieae (Ranunculaceae) using geometric morphometrics on herbarium specimens. Botany Letters 165: 368-376.

Nobis M, Domina G, Meco M, Mullaj A, Bazan G, Ebel AL, Király G, Erst A, Nowak A, Sukhorukov AP, Pospelova EB, Pospelov IN, Vasjukov VM, Piwowarczyk R, Seregin AP, Király A, Kushunina M, Liu B, Molnár AV, Olonova M, Ovári M, Paszko B, Chen YS, Verkhozina AV, Zykova EY, Klichowska E, Nobis A, Wróbel A, Aydin ZU, Donmez AA, Garakhani P, Koopman J, Korolyuk A, Oklejewicz K, Qasimova T, Wang W, Wieclaw H, Wolanin M, Xiang KL. 2018. Contribution to the flora of Asian and European countries: new national and regional vascular plant records, 7. Botany Letters 165: 200-222.

Lu LM, Cox CJ, Mathews S, Wang W, Wen J, Chen ZD. 2018. Optimal data partitioning and multispecies coalescent approaches resolve deep-level phylogenetic incompatibility in the grape family (Vitaceae). Cladistics 34: 57-77.


Erst AS, Kuzmin IV, Mitrenina EY, An’kova TV, Xiang KL, Wang W. 2017. Aceraceae, Amaranthaceae, Asparagaceae, Asteraceae, Brassicaceae, Caryophyllaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Fabaceae, Iridaceae, Juncaceae, Phytolaccaceae, Plantaginaceae, Polygonaceae, Ranunculaceae, Scrophulariaceae, Solanaceae. In: Marhold K, Kucera J (eds.), IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 23. Taxon 66: 1247-1248, E11-E12.

Erst AS, Wang W, Yu SX, Xiang KL, Wang J, Shaulo DN, Smirnov SV, Kushunina M, Sukhorukov AP, Nobis M. 2017. Two new species and four new records of Aquilegia (Ranunculaceae) from China. Phytotaxa 316: 121-137.

Espinosa F, Deroin T, Xiang KL, Wang W, Castro MP, Byng JW, Aytac Z, Nadot S, Jabbour F. 2017. The Turkish endemic Pseudodelphinium turcicum (Ranunculaceae): an unusual population of Delphinium with peloric flowers that has persisted in the wild for 20 years. International Journal of Plant Sciences 178: 546-555.

Xiang KL, Aytac Z, Liu Y, Espinosa F, Jabbour F, Byng JW, Zhang CF, Erst AS, Wang W*. 2017. Recircumscription of Delphinium subg. Delphinium (Ranunculaceae) and implications for its biogeography. Taxon 66: 554-566.

王伟, 张晓霞, 陈之端, 路安民. 2017. 被子植物APG分类系统评论. 生物多样性 25: 418-426.

Nobis M, Erst A, Nowak A, Shaulo D, Olonova M, Kotukhov Y, Dogru-Koca A, Donmez AA, Király G, Ebel AL, Kushunina M, Piwowarczyk R, Sukhorukov AP, Nobis A, Verloove F, Zalewska-Galosz J, Zare G, Burri JF, Cakovic D, Jedrzejczak E, JoganN, Klichowska E, Pliszko A, Popovich AV, Stesevic D, Silc U, Tupitsyna N, Vasjukov VM, Wang W, Werner P, Wolanin MN, Wolanin MM, Xiang KL. 2017. Contribution to the flora of Asian and European countries: new national and regional vascular plant records, 6. Botany Letters 164: 23-45.

Wang W*, Ortiz RDC, Jacques FMB, Liu Y, Xiang XG, Yu SX, Chen ZD. 2017. New insights into the phylogeny of Burasaieae (Menispermaceae) with the recognition of a new genus and emphasis on the southern Taiwanese and mainland Chinese disjunction. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 109: 11-20.

Xiang KL, Zhao L, Erst AS, Yu SX, Jabbour F, Wang W*. 2017. A molecular phylogeny of Dichocarpum (Ranunculaceae): Implications for eastern Asian biogeography. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 107: 594-604.


Ortiz RDC§,*, Wang W§,*, Jacques FMBC§, Chen ZD. 2016. Phylogeny and a revised tribal classification of Menispermaceae based on molecular and morphological data. Taxon 65: 1288-1312.

Chartier M, Dressler S, Schonenberger J, Mora AR, Sarthou C, Wang W, Jabbour F. 2016. The evolution of afro-montane Delphinium (Ranunculaceae): Morphospecies, phylogenetics, and biogeography. Taxon 65: 1313-1327.

Erst AS, Kuzmin IV, Mitrenina EY, Xiang KL, Wang W. 2016. Apiaceae, Asteraceae, Caryophyllaceae, Fabaceae, Hypericaceae, Papaveraceae,Poaceae, Ranunculaceae, Solanaceae. In: Marhold K, Kucera J (eds.), IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 23. Taxon 65: 1455-1456, E5-E6.

Wang W*, Lin L, Xiang XG, Ortiz RDC, Liu Y, Xiang KL, Yu SX, Xing YW, Chen ZD*. 2016. The rise of angiosperm-dominated herbaceous floras: Insights from Ranunculaceae. Scientific Reports 6: 27259.

Xiang KL, Wu SD, Yu SX, Liu Y, Jabbour F, Erst AS, Zhao L, Wang W*, Chen ZD. 2016. The first comprehensive phylogeny of Coptis (Ranunculaceae) and its implications for character evolution and classification. PLoS One 11: e0153127.

Yu SX, Janssens SB, Zhu XY, Lidén M, Gao TG, Wang W*. 2016. Phylogeny of  Impatiens  (Balsaminaceae): Integrating molecular and morphological evidence into a new classification. Cladistics 32: 179-197.

Wang W, Dilcher DL, Sun G, Wang HS, Chen ZD. 2016. Accelerated evolution of early angiosperms: Evidence from ranunculalean phylogeny by integrating living and fossil data. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 54: 336-341.

Li HL, Wang W, Li RQ, Zhang JB, Sun M, Su JX, Xiang XG, Mortimer PE, Li DZ, Hyde KD, Xu JC, Soltis DE, Soltis PS, Li JH, Zhang SZ, Wu H, Chen ZD, Lu AM. 2016. Global versus Chinese perspectives on the phylogeny of the N-fixing clade. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 54: 392-399.

Chen ZD, Yang T, Lin L, Lu LM, Li HL, Sun M, Liu B, Chen M, Niu YT, Ye JF, Cao ZY, Liu HM, Wang XM, Wang W, Zhang JB, Meng Z, Cao W, Li JH, Wu SD, Zhao HL, Liu ZJ, Du ZY, Wang QF, Guo J, Tan XX, Su JX, Zhang LJ, Yang LL, Liao YY, Li MH, Zhang GQ, Chung SW, Zhang J, Xiang KL, Li RQ, Soltis DE, Soltis PS,Zhou SL, Ran JH,Wang XQ, Jin XH, Chen YS, Gao TG, Li JH, Zhang SZ, Lu AM, and China Phylogeny Consortium. 2016. Tree of life for the genera of Chinese vascular plants. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 54: 277-306.


Lin L, Tang L, Bai YJ, Tang ZY, Wang W*, Chen ZD. 2015. Range expansion and habitat shift triggered elevated diversification of the rice genus (Oryza, Poaceae) in the Pleistocene. BMC Evolutionary Biology 15: 182.

Li HL§, Wang W§, Mortimer PE, Li RQ, Li DZ, Hyde KD, Xu JC, Soltis DE, Chen ZD. 2015. Large-scale phylogenetic analyses reveal multiple gains of actinorhizal nitrogen-fixing symbioses in angiosperms associated with climate change. Scientific Reports 5: 14023.

Wu SD, Lin L, Li HL, Yu SX, Zhang LJ*, Wang W*. 2015. Evolution of Asian interior arid-zone biota: Evidence from the diversification of Asian Zygophyllum (Zygophyllaceae). PLoS One 10: e013869.

向小果*, *. 2015. 植物DNA条形码在系统发育研究中的应用. 生物多样性 23: 281-282.


Liu Y, Cox CJ, Wang W, Goffinet B. 2014. Mitochondrial phylogenomics of early land plants: mitigating the effects of saturation, compositional heterogeneity, and codon usage bias. Systematic Biology 63: 862-878.

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