姓  名: 姚轶锋
职务/职称: 研究员
联系电话: (86)-010-62836436
电子邮件: yaoyf@ibcas.ac.cn
个人网页: http://www.lseb.cn/rcpy/dsjj/sd/yyf/
课 题 组: 植物演化生物学研究组

2000年在南昌大学生物系获学士学位,2007年在中国科学院植物研究所获博士学位。2006年留所工作至今,先后任研究实习员、助理研究员、副研究员、研究员。2008年获DAAD奖学金,在德国法兰克福森肯堡研究所进行合作研究,20132014年在英国爱丁堡植物园访问学习。2012年,获极地研究青年优秀论文奖。2013年,获中国第29次南极科学考察“优秀考察队员”荣誉称号。2017年,获“中国极地考察先进集体”荣誉称号(团队骨干成员);2023年,获公安部科学技术奖二等奖(排名第3)。迄今为止,以第一或通讯作者(含共同)在Earth-Science ReviewsEarth System Science DataNew PhytologistQuaternary Science ReviewsPalaeogeography Palaeocimatology Palaeoecology等刊物上发表论文40余篇,出版专著5部。目前担任中国植物学会古植物学分会副理事长兼秘书长、中国古生物学会古植物学分会理事、国家古生物化石专家库成员、《古生物学报》编委。




11. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:横断山区植被对新仙女木事件的响应以玉龙雪山为例(主持,2021.1-2024.12

10. 中国科学院战略性先导专项(B类)课题:新生代植物演替及哺乳动物协同演化(参加,2018.1-2023.12

9. 国家重点研发计划项目:子课题基于孢粉和植物微观结构特征分析的区域环境推断与溯源关键技术研究(主持,2017.7-2020.12

8. 国家重大科学研究计划:子课题人类活动对亚欧内陆干旱区植被格局演化的影响(主持,2014.1-2018.12

7. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:北极新奥尔松全新世植被演替及其对气候环境变化的响应(主持,2013.01-2016.12

6. 中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目子课题:南北极逆境条件下植物生长及其对全球变化的响应(主持,2011.01-2013.12

5. 国家自然科学基金重大项目第一课题:禾本科适应性辐射的历史过程及其与环境和气候之间的关系(参加,2010.01-2013.12

4. 中国科学院与俄乌白三国科技合作专项基金:晚新生代以来C4植物在中国和乌克兰的分布及其对环境变化的响应(主持,2010.01-2010.12

3. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目:海南三亚全新世红树林植被演替与海岸环境演变(主持,2008.01-2010.12

2. 中国科学院国际合作重点项目:中国与东南亚地区新生代植被演替和环境变迁及其对喜马拉雅山抬升的响应(参加,2007.01-2009.12

1. 北京市自然科学基金项目:北京三百万年以来环境演变过程及其对城市发展指导意义(参加,2005.01-2007.12



68. 姚轶锋, 杨健, 李金锋等著. 2023. 北极植物资源与生态环境. 武汉: 湖北科学技术出版社.

67. Yao YF#, *, Song XY#, Xie G#, Tang YN#, Wortley AH, Qin F, Blackmore S*, Li CS, Wang YF*. 2023. New insights into the origin of buckwheat cultivation in southwestern China from pollen data. New Phytologist, 237: 2467-2477.

66. Lu LL#, Yao YF#, Wang GA#, Xie G, Lu KQ, Sun B, Li JF, Bruch A, Ferguson DK, Cui YM, Wang Q, Zhou XY*, Gao F*, Wang YF*. 2023. Palaeobotanical evidence reveals the living conditions of Miocene Lufengpithecus in East Asia. BMC Plant Biology, 23: 155.


65. Lu LL#, Jiao BH#, Qin F#, Xie G#, Lu KQ, Li JF, Sun B, Li M, Ferguson DK, Gao TG*, Yao YF*, Wang YF*. 2022. Artemisia pollen dataset for exploring the potential ecological indicators in deep time. Earth System Science Data, 14: 3961-3995.

64. Wang Q#, Li JF#, Lu KQ#, Xie G#, Qin F, Ferguson DK, Wang GH, Yao YF*, Wang YF*. 2022. Pollen R-values in arid central Asia for quantitative palaeo-vegetation reconstruction. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 596: 110993.

63. Guo HL, Yao YF, Li YM, Wang P, Hu C, Yuan MQ, Mei HC, Zhu J*. 2022. A case study in forensic soil comparison. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 67: 766-774.

62. 朱云, 乔鲜果, 姚轶锋*, 王宇飞*. 2022. 华北泥河湾盆地植被、气候与早期人类生存环境研究进展. 植物学报, 57(1): 127-137.


61. 赵德鶄宇, 叶彩华, 王宇飞, 姚轶锋*. 2021. 京津冀地区空气花粉研究进展. 植物学报, 56(6): 751-760.

60. 李金锋, 姚轶锋,谢淦, 李敏, 宣晶, 孙斌, 李素萍, 徐景先, David K. Ferguson, 王宇飞等著. 2021. 北京常见植物花粉图鉴. 武汉: 湖北科学技术出版社.

59. 姚轶锋, 李金锋, 谢淦, 王霞, 陆丽丽, 汪强, 赵德鶄宇, 王宇飞等译. 2021. 图解花粉术语. 武汉: 湖北科学技术出版社.

58. Xie G#, Li JF#, Wang SQ#, Yao YF, Sun B, Ferguson DK, Li CS, Deng T*, Liu XD*, Wang YF*. 2021. Bridging the knowledge gap on the evolution of the Asian monsoon during 26-16 Ma. The Innovation, 2(2): 100110.

57. Xie G#, Sun B#, Li JF#, Wang SQ, Yao YF, Li M, Zhang XC, Ferguson DK, Li CS, Liu XD*, Deng T*, Wang YF*. 2021. Fossil evidence reveals uplift of the central Tibetan Plateau and differentiated ecosystems during the late Oligocene. Science Bulletin, 66: 1164-1167.

56. Zhu Y, Yao YF*, Wei Q, Ferguson DK, Wang YF*. 2021. Reconstructing vegetation and climate in the Nihewan Basin, North China, during the middle Pleistocene (~603-587 ka) to trace the evolution of human environments. Journal of Plant Ecology, 14: 372-383.


55. Trivedi A, Tang YN, Qin F, Farooqui A, Wortley AH, Wang YF, Blackmore S, Li CS, Yao YF*. 2020. Holocene vegetation dynamics and climatic fluctuations from Shuanghaizi Lake in the Hengduan Mountains, southwestern China. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 560: 110035.

54. Yao YF#,*, Wang X#, Qin F#, Wortley AH, Li SP, Blackmore S, Li CS, Wang YF*. 2020. Evidence for climate instability during the Younger Dryas interval in the Hengduan Mountains, Yunnan, southwestern China. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 554: 109798.

53. Lu KQ#, Qin F#, Li Y#, Xie G#, Li JF, Cui YM, Ferguson DK, Yao YF*, Wang GH*, Wang YF*. 2020. A new approach to interpret vegetation and ecosystem changes through time by establishing a correlation between surface pollen and vegetation types in the eastern central Asian desert. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 551: 109762.

52. Yao YF#, *, Wang X#, Guo W, Jiang HE, Li M, Ferguson DK, Wang YF, Li CS. 2020. Archaeobotanical evidence reveals the human-environment interactions during the 9th-13th centuries at Turpan, Xinjiang on the ancient Silk Road. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 29: 539-552.


51. Trivedi A*, Saxena A, Chauhan MS, Sharma A, Farooqui A, Nautiyal CM, Yao YF, Wang YF, Li CS, Tiwari DP. 2019. Vegetation, climate and culture in Central Ganga plain, India: A multi-proxy record for Last Glacial Maximum. Quaternary International, 507: 134-147.

50. Xie G#, Yao YF#, Li JF, Yang J, Bai JD, Ferguson DK, Trivedi A, Li CS*, Wang YF*. 2019. Holocene climate, dynamic landscapes and environmentally driven changes in human living conditions in Beijing. Earth-Science Reviews, 191: 57-65.

49. Lu KQ#, Li M#, Wang GH#, Xu LS, Ferguson DK, Trivedi A, Xuan J, Feng Y, Li JF, Xie G, Yao YF*, Wang YF*. 2019. New pollen classification of Chenopodiaceae for exploring and tracing desert vegetation evolution in the eastern central Asia. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 57(2): 190-199.


48. Zhang YM, Lu L, Chang XL, Jiang F, Gao XD, Yao YF, Li CS, Cao SN, Zhou QM, Peng F*. 2018. Small-scale soil microbial community heterogeneity linked to landform historical events on King George Island, Maritime Antarctica. Frontiers in Microbiology, 9: 3065.

47. 何剑锋*, 李承森, 姚轶锋,彭方, 王能飞, 金海燕, 张芳, 马玉欣, 张庆华, 那广水, 孙立广, 袁林喜, 贾楠. 2018. 北极黄河站生态环境考察与研究进展. 极地研究, 30(3): 251-267.

46. Wang X, Yao YF*, Wortley AH, Qiao HJ, Blackmore S, Wang YF*, Li CS. 2018. Vegetation responses to the warming at the Younger Dryas-Holocene transition in the Hengduan Mountains, southwestern China. Quaternary Science Reviews, 192: 236-248.

45. 张琪,陆开清,李金锋,夏晓飞,王萍,胡灿,朱军,王宇飞,姚轶锋*. 2018. 司法孢粉学在司法鉴定中的应用. 刑事技术, 43(6): 466-470.

44. Lu KQ#, Xie G#, Li M, Li JF, Trivedi A, Ferguson DK, Yao YF*, Wang YF*. 2018. Dataset of pollen morphological traits of 56 dominant species among desert vegetation in the eastern arid central Asia. Data in Brief, 18: 1022-1046.

43. Lu KQ#, Xie G#, Li M, Li JF, Trivedi A, Ferguson DK, Yao YF*, Wang YF*. 2018. Pollen spectrum, a cornerstone for tracing the evolution of the eastern central Asian desert. Quaternary Science Reviews, 186: 111-122.


42. Yao YF*, Wang X, Li JF, Yang J, Cao SN, Peng F, Kurbatova L, Peter HU, Braun C, Li CS. 2017. A network for long-term monitoring of vegetation in the area of Fildes Peninsula, King George Island. Advances in Polar Science, 28(1): 23-28.

41. Yao YF#, Song XY#, Wortley AH, Wang YF, Blackmore S, Li CS*. 2017. Pollen-based reconstruction of vegetational and climatic change over the past ~30 ka at Shudu Lake in the Hengduan Mountains of Yunnan, southwestern China. PLoS One, 12(2): e0171967.


40. 谢淦#, 白加德#, 徐景先#, 郝慧#, 李金锋#, 姚轶锋#, 张林源, 李承森, 杨健*, 王宇飞*. 2016. 北京地区全新世植被和气候变化研究进展. 植物学报, 51(6): 872-881.

39. 姚轶锋*, 王霞, 谢淦, 李金锋, 王宇飞, 李承森. 2015. 新疆地区全新世植被演替与气候环境演变. 科学通报, 60: 1-14. 

38. Zhang T*, Yao YF. 2015. Endophytic fungal communities associated with vascular plants in the High Arctic Zone are highly diverse and host-plant specific. PLoS One, 10(6): e0130051.  

37. 姚轶锋*, 王霞, 谢淦, 王宇飞, 李承森. 2015. 孢粉记录的新疆地区新近纪植被格局与气候环境演化. 第四纪研究, 35(3): 683-697.  

36. Yao YF*, Song XY, Wortley AH, Blackmore S, Li CS*. 2015. A 22 570-year record of vegetational and climatic change from Wenhai Lake in the Hengduan Mountains biodiversity hotspot, Yunnan, Southwest China. Biogeosciences, 12: 1525-1535. 

35. Ghosh R*, Bera S*, Sarkar A, Paruya DK, Yao YF, Li CS. 2015. A 50 ka record of monsoonal variability in the Darjeeling foothill region, eastern Himalays. Quaternary Science Reviews, 114: 100-115. 

34. 宋晓彦, 姚轶锋*. 2015. 数量分类方法在蜂蜜孢粉学中的探讨: 以山西中部地区为例. 科学通报, 60(1): 58-67. 

33. Yao YF*, Bera S, Ferguson DK, Li CS. 2014. Pollen morphology in Saxifraga (Saxifragaceae) from Ny-Alesund, Svalbard, Arctic, and its taxonomic significance. Advances in Polar Science, 25(2): 105-112 

32. 姚轶锋, 曹叔楠, 彭方, 李承森*. 2014. 北极新奥尔松Austre Lovenbreen冰川退缩迹地不同演替阶段的植物组成与植被群落特征分析. 极地研究, 26(3): 362-368.

31. Das S, Ghosh R, Paruya DK, Yao YF, Li CS, Bera S*. 2014. Phytolith spectra in respiratory aerial roots of some mangrove plants of the Indian Sunderbans and its efficacy in ancient deltaic environment reconstruction. Quaternary International, 325: 179-196.

30. Song XY, Bera S, Yao YF*, Ferguson DK, Li CS. 2014. Tree barks as a natural trap for airborne spores and pollen grains from China. Chinese Science Bulletin, 59(19): 2331-2339.

29. Tang YN, Li X, Yao YF*, Ferguson DK, Li CS*. 2014. Environmental reconstruction of Tuyoq in the Fifth Century and its bearing on Buddhism in Turpan, Xinjiang, China. PLoS One, 9(1): e86363.

28. Guo CQ, Ochyra R, Wu PC, Seppelt RD, Yao YF, Bian LG, Li SP, Li CS*. 2013. Warnstorfia exannulata, an aquatic moss in the Arctic: seasonal growth responses to global climate change. Climatic Change, 119: 407-419.

27. Song XY, Bera S, Yao YF, Blackmore S, Li CS*. 2013. Natural traps of spores and pollen grains from the region surrounding Wenbi Reservoir, Yunnan, China. Chinese Science Bulletin (Chinese Version), 58(S1): 162-168.

26. 席以珍, 姚轶锋, 杨永, 陈艳梅. 2013. 裸子植物花粉形态与结构. : 林金星, 胡玉熹, 吴鸿编著. 裸子植物花粉生物学. 北京: 科学出版社.

25. 冯广平*, 李春长, 李肖, 刘海明, 郭物, 姚轶锋, 唐丽雅, 古丽努尔. 2013. 吐鲁番巴达木墓地鸭形木明器分类位置、用材类型及其环境指示意义. 科学通报, 58(增刊I): 35-39.

24. 姚轶锋, 郭殿勇, 李承森*. 2013. 内蒙古集宁路城遗址孢粉分析与古植被、古气候初探. 科学通报, 58(增刊I): 90-96.

23. Yao YF, Zhao Q, Bera S, Li XL, Li CS*. 2012. Pollen morphology of selected tundra plants from the high Arctic of Ny-Alesund, Svalbard. Advances in Polar Science, 23 (2): 103-115.

22. Yao YF, Li X, Jiang HE, Ferguson DK, Hueber F, Ghosh R, Bera S, Li CS*. 2012. Pollen and phytoliths from fired ancient potsherds as potential indicators for deciphering past vegetation and climate in Turpan, Xinjiang, NW China. PLoS One, 7(6): e39780.

21. Yao YF, Bruch AA, Cheng YM, Mosbrugger V, Wang YF, Li CS*. 2012. Monsoon versus uplift in Southwestern China―Late Pliocene climate in Yuanmou Basin, Yunnan. PLoS One, 7(5): e37760.

20. Song XY#, Yao YF#, Wortley AH, Paudayal KN, Yang SH, Li CS*, Blackmore S. 2012. Holocene vegetation and climate history at Haligu on the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, Yunnan, SW China. Climatic Change, 113: 841-866.

19. Song XY, Yao YF, Yang WD*. 2012. Pollen analysis of natural honeys from the central region of Shanxi, North China. PLoS One, 7(11): e49545.

18. Yao YF, Bruch A, Mosbrugger V, Li CS*. 2011. Quantitative reconstruction of Miocene climate patterns and evolution in Southern China based on plant fossils. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 304: 291-307.

17. D’Rozario A*, Labandeira C, Guo WY, Yao YF, Li CS. 2011. Spatiotemporal extension of the Euramerican Psaronius component community to the Late Permian of Cathaysia: In situ coprolites in P. housuoensis stems from Yunnan Province, southwestern China. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 306(3-4): 127-133.

16. Yao YF, Bera S, Kumudranjan N, Liao WB, Li CS. 2011*. A comparative study of mangrove floras in China and India. Forestry Studies in China, 13(3): 173-182.

15. 秦锋, Syabryaj S., 李晓花, 姚轶锋, 杨健, 李金锋, 王宇飞*. 2011. 运用Grichuk方法重建山西张村晚上新世古温度. 第四纪研究, 31(4): 636-642.

14. Song XY, Spicer RA*, Yang J, Yao YF, Li CS. 2010. Pollen evidence for an Eocene to Miocene elevation of central southern Tibet predating the rise of the High Himalaya. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 297: 159-168.

13. Mehrotra RC*, Yao YF, Li CS. 2010. Fossil wood of Bischofia palaeojavanica Awasthi from the Eocene of Changchang Formation of Hainan Island, China. Palaeobotanist, 59: 121-127.

12. D’Rozario A*, Sun B, Galtier J, Wang SJ, Guo WY, Yao YF, Li CS. 2010. Studies on the Late Permian permineralized tree fern Psaronius housuoensis sp. nov. from Yunnan Province, southwest China. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 163(3-4): 247-263.

11. 姚轶锋*, 廖文波, 宋晓彦, 李承森. 2010. 海南三亚铁炉港红树林资源现状与保护. 海洋通报, 29(2): 150-155.

10. Yao YF, Bera S, Ferguson DK, Mosbrugger V, Paudayal KN, Jin JH*, Li CS*. 2009. Reconstruction of paleovegetation and paleoclimate in the Early and Middle Eocene, Hainan Island, China. Climatic Change, 92: 169-189. 

9. Jiang HE, Zhang YB, Li X, Yao YF, Ferguson DK, Lü EG, Li CS*. 2009. Evidence for early viticulture in China: proof of a grapevine (Vitis vinifera L., Vitaceae) in the Yanghai Tombs, Xinjiang. Journal of Archaeological Science, 36: 1458-1465.

8. 王宇飞*, 杨健, 徐景先, 赵良成, 蒋洪恩, 程业明, 扆铁梅, 王青, 马清温, 姚轶锋. 2009. 中国新生代植物演化及古气候、古环境重建研究进展. 古生物学报, 48(3): 569-576.

7. 李承森, 扆铁梅, 姚轶锋等著. 2009. 中国植被演替与环境变迁(第二卷 中国北方新生代植物和气候). 南京: 江苏科学技术出版社.

6. 李承森, 扆铁梅, 姚轶锋等著. 2008. 中国植被演替与环境变迁(第一卷 云南晚新生代植物和气候) . 南京:江苏科学技术出版社.

5. 姚轶锋, 叶超, 寇香玉, 徐景先, 贾三满, 杜乃秋, 李承森*. 2007. 北京天竺晚上新世以来植被演替与气候变迁. 古地理学报, 9(1): 45-58.

4. Yao YF, Bera S, Wang YF, Li CS*. 2006. Nectar and pollen source for honeybee, Apis cerana cerana Fabr. during October-November in Qinglan Harbor mangrove area, Hainan Island, China. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 11(48): 1266-1273.

3. 姚轶锋, 李奎, 刘建, 王宇飞, 杜乃秋, 李承森*. 2005. 成都金沙遗址距今3000年的古气候探讨. 古地理学报, 7 (4): 549-560.

2. 姚轶锋, 郭殿勇, 王宇飞, 杜乃秋, 李承森*. 2005. 内蒙古元上都遗址植被和气候. 自然科学与博物馆研究(第一卷), 79-85.

1. Yao YF, Xi YZ, Geng BY, Li CS*. 2004. The exine ultrastructure of pollen grains in Gnetum (Gnetaceae) from China and its bearing on the relationship with the ANITA group. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 146: 415-425.