姓  名: 杨福生
职务/职称: 研究员
联系电话: (86)-010-62836477
电子邮件: yang_fsh@ibcas.ac.cn
课 题 组: 泛喜马拉雅植物多样性研究组

1997年和2000年在华中师范大学获得理学学士和硕士学位,2003年在中国科学院植物研究所获得理学博士学位并留所工作,历任助理研究员、副研究员、研究员。主要从事青藏高原代表性植物类群的多样性变化与适应性进化研究,相关研究成果发表在Nature Communications,Journal of Integrative Plant Biology,Horticulture Research,Molecular Ecology,Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences,Molecular Phylogenetics & Evolution,Journal of Systematics & Evolution,Annals of Botany,Gene,Taxon等进化生物学领域的主流期刊,并出版列当科马先蒿属(Pedicularis L.)分类修订专著。目前担任北京市植物学会理事,国家自然科学基金和教育部学位中心通讯评审专家。


聚焦青藏高原代表性植物类群的分类与系统学研究。综合多学科证据,对青藏高原草本植物大属马先蒿属开展分类学研究,完成泛喜马拉雅地区该属植物的分类修订。基于多组学证据,解析了木本植物大属杜鹃花属(Rhododendron L.)的花青素、黄酮醇和类胡萝卜素的完整合成通路及转录调控网络,揭示了复杂的花色形成过程和形成机制,为理解杜鹃花属的物种多样性形成机制提供了新见解。





国家自然科学基金面上项目“绿绒蒿属(Meconopsis Vig.)的系统学研究(起止时间:2016-2019)”,主持






Yu Q#,Yang F-S#,Chen Y-X,Wu H,Ickert-Bond SM*,Wang X-Q*. 2023. Diploid species phylogeny and evolutionary reticulation indicate early radiation of Ephedra in the Tethys coast. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 65: 2619-2630.

Nie S,Zhao S-W,Shi T-L,Zhao W,Zhang R-G,Tian X-C,Guo J-F,Yan X-M,Bao Y-T,Li Z-C,Kong L,Ma H-Y,Chen Z-Y,Liu H,El-Kassaby YA,Porth I,Yang F-S*,Mao J-F*. 2023. Gapless genome assembly of azalea and multi-omics investigation into divergence between two species with distinct flower color. Horticulture Research10:193-206.

Yang X-D,Zhang X,Xue T-T,Zhang X-X,Yang F-S,Yu J-H,Janssens SB,Bussmann RW,Yu S-X. 2023. Phylogenomics and historical biogeography of Hydrangeeae (Hydrangeaceae) elucidate the effects of geologic and climatic dynamics on diversification. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 290: 20230659.


Yang F-S. 2022. Orobanchaceae (Pedicularis). In D-Y Hong (ed.). Flora of Pan-Himalaya Vol. 45(2). pp: 1-343. Beijing: Science Press/Paris: EPD Sciences. ISBN: 978-7-03-061952-5.

Nie S,Tian X-C,Kong L,Zhao S-W,Chen Z-Y,Jiao S-Q,El-Kassaby YA,Porth I,Yang F-S*,Zhao W*,Mao J-F*.2022. Potential allopolyploid origin of Ericales revealed with gene-tree reconciliation. Frontiers in Plant Science 13: 1006904.


杨宇昌,马欣堂,郑海磊,张谢勇,杨福生,陈之端. 2021. 石蒜科黑脉葱之模式产地考证及补充资料. 西北植物学报41894-898.


Yang F-S#,Nie S#,Liu H,Shi T-L,Tian X-C,Zhou S-S,Bao Y-T,Jia K-H,Guo J-F,Zhao W,An N,Zhang R-G,Yun Q-Z,Wang X-Z,Mannapperuma C,Porth I,El-Kassaby YA,Street NR,Wang XR,Van de Peer Y*,Mao J-F*. 2020. Chromosome-level genome assembly of a parent species of widely cultivated azaleas. Nature Communications 11: 5269.


Qu Y*,Ou Z,Yang F-S,Wang S,Peng J-S. 2019. The study of transcriptome sequencing for flower coloration in different anthesis stages of alpine ornamental herb (Meconopsis ‘Lingholm’). Gene 689: 220-226.


Wang H-J,Li W-T,Liu Y-N,Yang F-S, Wang X-Q*. 2017. Resolving interspecific relationships within evolutionarily young lineages using RNA-seq data: an example from Pedicularis section Cyathophora (Orobanchaceae). Molecular Phylogenetics & Evolution 107: 345-355.


Liu Y-N,Li Y,Yang F-S*,Wang X-Q*. 2016. Floral nectary,nectar production dynamics,and floral reproductive isolation among closely related species of Pedicularis. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology58: 178-187.

杨福生. 2016. 花儿为什么这样蓝?森林与人类 310: 42-53.


Wang H-J,Li W-T,Liu Y-N,Yang F-S*, Wang X-Q*. 2015. Range-wide multilocus phylogenetic analyses of Pedicularis sect. Cyathophora (Orobanchaceae):Implications for species delimitation and speciation. Taxon64: 959-974.


Zhao C,Wang X-Q,Yang F-S*. 2014. Mechanisms underlying flower color variation in Asian species of Meconopsis: A preliminary phylogenetic analysis based on chloroplast DNA and anthocyanin biosynthesis genes. Journal of Systematics & Evolution 52: 125-133.

Liu Y-C,Liu Y-N,Yang F-S*,Wang X-Q. 2014. Molecular phylogeny of Asian Meconopsis based on nuclear ribosomal and chloroplast DNA sequence data.PLoS ONE 9: e104823


Qin A-L,Wang M-M,Cun Y-Z,Yang F-S,Wang S-S,Ran J-H,Wang X-Q*. 2013. Phylogeographic evidence for a link of species divergence of Ephedra in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and adjacent regions to the Miocene Asian aridification. PLoS ONE8: e56243.


Yang F-S*,Qin A-L,Li Y-F,Wang X-Q*. 2012. Great genetic differentiation among populations of Meconopsis integrifolia and its implication for plant speciation in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. PLoS ONE7: e37196.


Li W-P*,Yang F-S,Jivkova T,Yin G-S. 2011. Phylogenetic relationships and generic delimitation of Eurasian Aster (Asteraceae: Astereae) inferred from ITS,ETS,and trnL-F sequence data. Annals of Botany109: 1341-1357.

Li W-P,Tang M,Yin G-S,Yin Y,Yang F-S,Chen S-M. 2011. Extensive chromosome number variation in Aster ageratoides var. pendulus (Asteraceae).Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 165: 378-387.


Yang F-S,Li Y-F,Ding X,Wang X-Q*. 2008. Extensive population expansion of Pedicularis longiflora (Orobanchaceae) on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and its correlation with the Quaternary climate change. Molecular Ecology 17: 5135–5145.

Yang F-S,Wang X-Q*. 2007. Extensive length variation in the cpDNA trnT-trnF region of parasitic Pedicularis and its phylogenetic implications. Plant Systematics & Evolution 264: 251-264.

阚显照*,乔才元,朱国萍,杨福生. 2007. 长苞铁杉nrDNA ITS区假基因化拷贝的克隆及序列分析研究. 激光生物学报16208-215.

Yang F-S,Wang X-Q*,Hong D-Y. 2003. Unexpected high divergence in nrDNA ITS and extensive parallelism in floral morphology of Pedicularis (Orobanchaceae). Plant Systematics & Evolution 240: 91-105.

Yang F-S,Hong D-Y*,Wang X-Q. 2003. A new species and a new specific synonym of Pedicularis (Scrophulariaceae) from the Hengduan Mountains,China. Novon 13: 363-367.

许凯扬,刘胜祥,杨福生,汪正祥,彭丹,郑昌毅,黄大钱. 2002. 湖北后河国家级自然保护区水丝梨种群分布格局. 华中师范大学学报(自然科学版)36(2)217-220.

杨心兵,刘胜祥,杨福生. 2001. 后河保护区的珍稀濒危植物. 植物杂志 2001(05)5.

许凯扬,刘胜祥,杨福生,汪正祥,彭丹,黄大钱. 2000. 湖北后河国家级自然保护区水丝梨种群结构. 华中师范大学学报(自然科学版)34(03)84-88.

杨心兵,刘胜祥,杨福生. 2000. 湖北省后河自然保护区光叶珙桐种群结构的研究. 生物学杂志1715-17.

汪正祥,刘胜祥,雷耘,杨福生. 2000. 湖北后河国家级自然保护区光叶珙桐群落物种多样性特征. 华中师范大学学报(自然科学版)3484-87.

刘胜祥,黎维平,杨福生,雷耘,朱兆泉. 1999. 神农架国家级自然保护区连香树资源现状及其保护. 植物资源与环境学报833-37.

杨福生,刘胜祥,雷耘. 1998. 神农架自然保护区百合科植物区系及资源植物分析. 黄冈师范学院学报199826-31.

刘胜祥,雷耘,杨福生,蒙建中,曹赤可,黎维平,张晓元,李晓东,张全义,朱兆泉,江周权,邓龙强. 1997. 神农架发现光叶珙桐群落. 华中师范大学学报(自然科学版)1997 (4):470.